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Kitty: *reads the dare* NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A;

Karma: What's the big deal?!?! XD

Kitty: *shows Karma the dare*

Karma: DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!! D=< D=< D=< D=< D=< 'AlexaTheAmazing' dares everyone to face their fears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D=< D=< D=< D=< D=<

Kitty: ONE TWO THREE NOT IT!!!!!!!!!!! X3 *puts her finger on the tip of her nose*

Everyone other than Karma: NOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD *puts their fingers on the tips of their noses*

Karma: DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A;

Kitty: Otays, what are you scared of? O3O

Karma: MOTHER FUCKING RAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A;

Kitty: In that case... YO BEN, OFFENDY!!!!!!!! >=3 KARMA SAID YOU COULD FUCK HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >=3

Ben and Offendy: YOU'RE COMING WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >=D *Offendy slings Karma over his shoulder than runs off in the direction of his room, Ben following behind... O_O*

Slenderman: I'll be back in a moment... -_-' *teleports out of the room then returns with Karma, who's wearing only a towel, her boobs and body shape clearly more apparent! X3*

Kitty: You're not 'staring' at mah sista's boobs, are you? >=3

Slenderman: *looks up from 'staring' at Karma's boobs, blushing... O_O Wait, he can blush?!?! X3* What?!?! No!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course not!!!!!!!!!

Kitty: Go ahead, you know you wanna!!!!!! X3

Slenderman: *slings Karma over his shoulder then runs off in the direction of his room!!!!!!!!! X3*

Karma: HOLY MOTHER OF KIDNAPPING AND RAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A;

Ben and Offendy: *just came back downstairs and saw Slenderman run off with Karma, (')glaring(') at him angrily!!! X3* Dammit... D=<

Kitty: ANYHOE, who's next?!?! X3

Ben: How about you?!?! >=D

Kitty: Dammit... ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A;

Everyone else: Well? e-e

Kitty: WELL.............. spiders, heights, molesters, rape, public speaking, and social rejection!!!!!!!! X3

Jeff: WELL IN THAT CASE......................... *dumps a bucket of spiders on Kitty;s head!!!!!!! ;A;*

Kitty: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;A; GET THEM OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;A; GETTHEMOFFGETTHEMOFFGETTHEMOFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A;

Jeff: And now you need to recite a speech about the Americain Civil War! >=D

Kitty: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *is still freaking out about the spiders!!!!!!!!! ;A;*

Jeff: BOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D=< *starts throwing tomatoes at Kitty, which she dodges*

Kitty: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A;

Jeff: Congragulations!!!!!!!!! =D You've won a new car!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D

Kitty: Really?!?! ;^; *is starting to get hopeful that maybe this day isn't so bad after all ;_;*

Jeff: No!!!!!!!! >=D You just won EJ!!!!!! >=D YO EJ I NEED YOU TO FUCK KITTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >=D

Eyeless Jack: *runs over, slings Kitty over his shoulder to count for the fear of heights, then runs off in the direction of his room!!!!!!!!! ;A;*

Jane: And what's your fear? e-e

Jeff: *sighs unhappily* That no one thinks I'm beautiful... ;A;

Ben: I think you're beautiful! =D

Jeff: Really? ;^;

Ben: No!!!!!!! >=D

Jeff: When then what are you afraid of? D=<

Ben: Being separated from my technology!!!!! ;A;

Masky: THIS IS FOR MAH CHEESECAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >=D *steals all of Ben's technology and throws it into the incenerator!!!!!!!!! >=3 KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >=3*

Ben: *falls to his knees, crying* NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A;

Masky: Also, I'm scared of my cheesecake being stolen, which Ben already did!!!!!!!!!!! ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A;

Hoodie: I'm afraid of... well... I don't want to say it... ;A; *blushes*


Offendy: So in other words........... *shoves Masky and Hoodie in a closest together!!!!!!! X3*

Jane: WELL looks like Offenderman's going to shove Jeff and I into a closet together as well, cuz my biggest fear's JeffxJane fanfictions coming true. -_-'

Offendy: YUPS!!!!!!!!!! >=D *shoves Jeff and Jane in a closet together!!!!!!!!!! X3*

Sally: I'm scared of rape!!!!!!!! ;A; *why iz everyone scared of rape again?!?! X3*

Offendy: I'm scared of a girl rejecting me!!!!! ;A; By the way, Sally, would you-

Sally: AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A; *runs away screaming and locks herself up in her room*

Offendy: DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A; I REALLY WANTED HER TO SCRATCH MY BACK!!!!!!!!!!! ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A; I CAN'T REACH THAT SPOT!!!!!!!!!!!! ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A;

Creepypasta truth or dare with Kitty! [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now