Chapter 3

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( Sorry for any mistakes )

The bus stank!! It was horible. Ok I admit it im not an optimist. Im like that dwarf that hates everything that doesn't go his way. I know bad but.. Too bad ( haha you see what I did here? ). I took a seat. I didn't really want to touch anything. I see a tall skinny girl walk up to me.

-   " Heyyy, Are you new? Of course you are. Duh Maddy COP ON, stop talking to yourself!! ok hi ! " She gave me a smile like nothing just happend just there...AKWARD

-   " Hey...."

-   " Im Maddy."

-   " Cecelia. ..." UGHH shes not that of a stranger..

-   "Like to keep it formal? Then im madison"

-   "Sorry I just....aa long story. Im CeCe"

-   "Haha im Maddy, I would invite my friends to meet you but...I dont really have probebl.."

-   " Maddy, yes I will be your friend. Just...dont talk too much like you talk.."

-   "YEYYYYYYYYY" She jumped up weirdly....great first day..with a crazy person.

She sat down beside me.

-   " So is the school far?"

-   " Yep..I live even farther then you so we have some time to talk" Great........ " im really sorry ,when im nervous I do weird stuf... that jump and stuff I dont usually do that sorry...."

-   " Thank god"

-   "Anyway...whos your favorite singer?"

-   " Ariana grande..mabye some Little Mix and Selena Gomez..."

-   " OMG did you here her grandpa died" she said that so quik. I remembered reading it this morning. A tear fell down my cheek " are you crying?"

-   " what?! no!!! its just so hot here that im sweating.. Are you from here?" I said changing the subject

-   " No from Melbourne but... I like it here what about you ...I hear your from America ...You dont have an Aussie accent.. haha"

-   " haha yea I live...lived in New York... thats why im not used to the weather here it was winter there..."

-   " Oh its really hot here probebly like all the time..."

When we finnaly arrived at school, the school wasn't that big as my old one.We walked into the main entrance and went to the office. They had my timetable, code for my locker and note what to download on my tablet. Maddy and I compared what classes we have together and we had every class. yey!!! We walked to the lockers and I put my copy boobs in there. Yes I had some spare ones...We walked to our first class which was English. We opend the door and only one person was in there.

-   " This is Nerdy Nancy...she loves books and stuff like that. shes basicly the class nerd."

-   "Hey Nancy...."

The girl looked up. She had two brades in her hair. Nerdy glasses and braces.  Her clothes were a shirt tooked into high waisted pants...and some stuff to hold them up over her shoulder. 

I walked over to her to shake her hand. She looked terrified that im coming close to her. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.  It was Maddy.

-   " Dont touch her..." She said with a serious look onher face

I backed out as the bell rang. The students came runing in with there awsome groups they have formed...The teacher comes in aswell

-   " Good morning everyone" She said sweetly. she seemed like a nice teacher

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