Chapter 1

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( Sorry for any Mistakes )

A/N: Most of the book is gonna be CeCes POV so if it changes I will write like CODYS POV or something like that.....Ok so lets start!!!!

Emmm....Hi? So you choose my life? Really? really?! Nothing better than a life of a fifteen year old girl....huh? Well lets gets started then....

WEIT!!! are you a perve? ok , ok sorry just checking... my name is Cece .... yea I know Cecelia mom...

- " good girl "

Yep that was my mom...

- "THANKS" I said sarcastically. ...

What else I have a dog called Buster..... my dad was such a jerk and left me and my mom ...

- " ohhhhh honey you dont have to cry.... come here!! "

- " im not crying!! "

she walks cloes to me, I smell strong citrusy flavored perfume as they go up my nostriles...she starts to hug me....she strocks my hair with her hands.. I have light bonde hair.. but im not such a dumbass like them bitches at my school that dye there hair very light blonde and pretend to be sooooo dumb in front of the boys... UGHHHH I hate them !!!!!

-" ok mom get of me now....."

- "whats the magic word??"

- " please ....."

I say her ' magic word ' but she doesn't let go of me......

- " ok g-g-g-eet of me now " I say as I rip out of her hug ....

I get a text of my best friend Zoe...

- " ok mom I know to spell ook?

fine ... lets do this again... I got a text of Zoë...

From: Zoe xxx

Hey, wanna go chill in starbucks or something?

Text back xoxoxo

- " Im goin out mom!! "

- " Take Buster!!! "

I grab sunglasses , I know it the bigining of winter here in New York, bug aww well I like covering up my eys...apecialy today because I have no make-up on so people cant see my ugly face.......I got get the leash ( comment how to spell the dog lead or something.... ) and go over to Busters bed. He is just lying there

- " COME ON BUSTER up...."

He lifts up his head giving me a " really?. " look and puts his head down again....what a lazy dog. Its a Husky it should be energetic. Hes only like, what? 2? and hes so lazy all ready..

- "Get up you lazy but "

It seems that Buster understood this more because as soon as I said 'lazy but' he got up. I clicked on the black leash , grabbed the keys keys and went out the door. We live in an apartment 4 minutes away from the central .

I got into the elevator with the dog and pressed the G  button. The elevator went down. we got out of it and headed to a HUGE glass door . I pressed a button to open the HUGE door. Pushed them and got out. Buster pulled me but I pulled him back

- "Weit I need to text Zoe!! SIT"

I took out my IPhone 5s , unlocked it with my thumb and pressed the messege that Zoe send me before.

To: Zoe xxx

Sure im by my house , where you wanna meet?

I didn't even get the time to lock my phone. She texted back!

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