Chapter 5

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( Sorry for any Mistakes )


~ Flashback ~

I got a messege from Cody

From: Cody

I think I love you...CeCe

I paused. Stoped walking. Oh.My.God I felt something inside. Did I like him aswell? I was now at my house door. Opend it to find my mom sitting at the table in tears....drinking....milk...huh. I shrugged my sholders and took a step inside. My mom look my way. She ran up to me and hugged me.

-   " I thought you ran away, I broke up with Ross" she shouted very quickly

OH MY GOD WHAT. She did...just for me...

-   " didn't have to..I wou..."

-   " I couldn't stand the presure" She cut me off

She hugged me one more time and looked at my outfite

-   " God help me what are u dressed in"

I rolled my eyes

-   " PE clothes"

-   "Gosh if PE clothes are like this, I wonder wh..."

-  " I need a shower. Sorry" I cut her of and went upstairs.

Buster was sitting on my made bed. I took fresh pyjamas . I went to the bathroom and let my hair down. And you know...When I got out I got dressed and brushed my teeth.

-   " CECE DINNER!!!"

Ughh. I just brushed my teeth .

-   " COMIN" oh yea I just just shortend a word!!

I ate a peproni pizza.

-   " Your allowed to date , Rozz" I smiled and went upstairs to bed. Buster Snuggeled into me.

~~~~~~ Morning ~~~~~~

I got up and dressed into 3/4 jeans and a Orange Hollister top. Mom was at work so I had to help myself. I put my hair in a back french braid and didn't put any make-up on. I went downstairs to find Buster at his bowel. I went to the hot press and took out a huge bag of dry food for dogs. I pured it into his bowel and opend the back door. I took a Strawberry yogurt out of the fridge and started eating it. I checked my Twitter wow 50 followers by night? Niceeeee

Buster went outside so I closed him outside for today. I checked the weather for today and it was supose to be 37°C. He had water in his cennal ( really cant spell ) so he was fine. I plugged in my black with white pearl headphones and started playing Miley Cyrus- We cant stop . Then I put on my black Vans and went to the buss.

On the bus I was sitting alone. Maddy didn't even dare to say hi to me. Threwout the jerney I was thinking about Cody, and what happent. A FECK IT CECE. GETCHA MAN. I took out my phone and started typing.

To: Cody

Hey, Sorry its this early, I was thinking what you wrote me yesturday...and I think I love you too...Cody

I looked out the window and felt my phone buzz. It was Maddy

From: Maddy

Hey, why didn't you call me?

I imdetly ( cant spell ) wrote back

To: Maddy

I didn't think at first that your only gonna use me to get together with Josh , what do u not have the guts to talk to my face?

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