Chapter 7

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The whole way me and maddy stayed quit. Not saying anything. I wiped some tears away from under my eyes and just sat there. When Maddy parked her car under my house I thanked her and got out. I slowly opened the door and ran upstairs.

On the bed was Buter lying down. I lyed down beside him and petted him on his belly. He didn't move. His eyes were closed. I looked at his face and gave him a little shake. He didn't move. I gave him now a bigger shake. movement. I looked at his belly .  Didn't move.

I started to tear up. I got my self together and ran downstairs.  Mom looked at me .

" Whats wrong honey?" She now put down her cup of coffee.

" Busters dead." As I said the word "dead" I burst into tears.

Mom just put her head on the mouth which was in a 0 shape. I ran back upstairs and hugged Buster. A tear fell on his belly.  I noticed a movement. He gently opend his eyes. As his eyes met mine he let out a big cry. A tear fell down the side of his nose. He quikly got up onto the bed and started to jump on my and lick my face.For once I acctualy did not mind.

Mom ran in nearly in tears herself. We had Buster a really long time...and I wouldn't imagen what would I do if he really  was dead. Would I get a new dog? Would I get a different animal? I really dont know.

I looked at my mom with a smile and tears of happiness in my eyes.

" He woke up" I stated

She walked over to me and hugged me tight.

- 3 hours later -

After a long walk with Buster in the fresh air we headed back home. As we took the step inside I got a text message

From: Josh

Hey can we meet up at the beach?

Ha! I immediately texted back

To: Josh

Ha! to kick ur ass off again? and anyway I dont have a car and im not waisting money for a cab. Bye.

I threw my phone on the bed and lyed down. After a few minutes I heard a beep. I looked out the window and saw Josh in a car.

" FUCK OFF" I shouted

" please I just wanna talk we can even talk outside your house if you dont trusth me enough." he said nicely

" Fine..."

I made my way downstairs and opend the front door.

"  Now tell me what you want..I need to do my homework..." I said tapping my foot on the ground and having my hand on my waist.

" I want to talk ..."

" Ok bye!"

Before I clossed the door Josh grabbed the door and opened it

"  Mabye this will change your mind" He said before leaning in and giving me a big kiss on the lips

After we broke apart my mouth was in an 0 shape. I shook my head and slapped Josh right accross his face. He diserves it.

"  You should be ashamed. Whos the slut now?"

When I turned around I  muttered " Now im gonna play"


Didnt update in a long time. Short chapter sorry but there is alot going on in this one sooo ye!!!! Anyway thx for the reads and all love u bye!!!

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