Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

That woman would be the death of him: armed with silvery eyes that reminded him of the moon and pink lips pouted just so, stirring his lust to new heights. William rested his head onto his pillow and closed his eyes, inhaling and exhaling slowly. But the image of Charlotte came haunting him even under closed lids. She was a fiery little thing and every time she frowned, crinkling her brow together in annoyance, he wanted to pick her up and kiss her breathless. Charlotte Alistair would keep him entertained until they walked down the aisle and that was evident.

Eye problem indeed! What a load of codswallop that was, he smiled and thought of her vivid eyes widened in surprise when he had taken the liberty of bestowing a kiss onto her palm. She was warm and soft and pliant when he had scooped her into his arms, molding perfectly to the contours of his chest. Oh he remembered all too well when he had cradled her against him, of her curves under the fabrics of the men’s clothes that she wore and of her long silky hair spilling out of her cap. Getting up William groaned and cast a glimpse to the lower half of his body to see how the blanket covering said region was tented. Getting up he rang for his valet and shuddered as he asked for cold water to be brought to his chamber immediately.

He was planning on calling to the Earl’s residence shortly after lunch. But in the meantime William would have to search for some other form of entertainment to occupy his time until he met Charlotte again. His fiancée: the diabolical shrew who was masquerading as a shortsighted little minx.

“Did you like her?” His sister Lorelei asked from across the table while they were enjoying breakfast that morning. Lorelei had came all the way from Kent to stay with him for an extended period of time after his grandfather’s terse missile informing her that her dearest older brother was finally to be married in a few months time. Her fair skin was complimented by the soft color of her morning dress, auburn hair tucked in a cap. Lorelei had just recent gave up her mourning garb after the passing of her husband, The Marquess of Clare a year and three months ago. She looked radiant in colors of soft pastel, William observed, and sorrowful black did not fit her in the slightest. He was glad to see her finish her mourning period.

“Define like.” William slathered his toast with a healthy dash of raspberry jam. Lorelei frowned and dabbed her lips before proceeding.

“Well, do you find her agreeable?”

William’s lips twitched and took a sip of his orange juice. Did he find her agreeable? In some degree, he certainly did find Lady Alistair delightful – in a way which would eventually put strain into his nerves but nevertheless – she was satisfying. She was certainly fetching enough to be worth the trouble he had gone through all day yesterday.

“In a way.” He muttered and Lorelei raised her brow higher than the other.

“She is attractive then?” she questioned him again and he merely nodded in return. William had not been able to stop himself from thinking of her all morning. After all Lady Alistair did know how to make a memorable first impression and first impressions to William are highly important. Another encounter which had unseated him was also made by a lady, and he had not been able to forget her as well. 

Then Lorelei raised her orange juice and took a demure sip. “I very much like to meet her Will. I would appreciate it tremendously if you could be so kind and arrange a meeting?”

William looked up from his scrambled eggs, face quite impassive. “You can’t, at least, not right now Lorry.” Lorelei Holles’s brow knitted together in confusion.

“Why ever not? She is to become my sister-in-law very soon William, I need to be acquainted with her without delay.”

“That is not what she thinks.” He muttered, again, with the same twitch tugging at his lips. Observing such abnormality in her brother’s behavior, the marchioness was propelled to lean forward in her seat and asked him another question.

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