Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

Charlotte had never felt so beautiful in her life, or so torn, or to be fighting such an overwhelming urge to cry before. Emotions, all of which humans were allowed to feel, attacked her in an overpowering torrent of happiness, grief and doubt. All the while, Fanny, Mable, Lorry's personal maid Julia, along with Callie was fussing over her hair and applying rouge to her cheeks. It took them hours to construct her hair alone, sticking a handful of pearl encrusted pins to hold her tresses secure. Not a lock of hair was overlooked. After she was fitted into her dress, and the final touches completed, she was ushered in front of the mirror.

Critical grey eyes stared back at her. Her hair was set in an elaborate twist, her cheeks were tinged with pink while her lips were as red as rubies. Her dress was magnificent; it must have taken the modiste endless hours to complete such a creation. It fitted her perfectly too.

"Charlie..." Callie breathed. "You look remarkable." Her friend's green eyes shone with unshed tears.

 "She's a bride." Lorry added, sighing slightly.

"I wish I'll look half as good as you in my wedding day." Sam beamed.

"My darling," The ladies all turned around at the sound of a voice. Standing in the doorway was Lord Alistair, in his bests. His eyes grew cloudy with each step he took. Once he was standing in front of his daughter, Harold Alistair took her hand and kissed her gloved knuckles. Recognizing that the father and daughter might need a few moments of privacy, the ladies discreetly stepped out of the room. "You look just like your mama." He said, tears threatening to spill. "If she could see you today, she would be so happy...and so proud!" 

Charlotte's lips trembled and Harold Alistair clucked. "Now sweetheart, don't go off weeping now, you look so beautiful!" He prattled on, smiling a fond smile. "God's teeth, I can't believe my little pet is getting married today!" He squeezed her hands. "What will I do without you pumpkin? I'll be bored silly without you."

Charlotte tried to chuckle, but instead all she managed to produce was a strangled sob. She leaned close to her father and gathered him into her arms. "Oh, papa! In all my years, I swear, there is no man equal to you."

"Not even William?" The earl teased. 

"No, William is wicked." She said with a hint of a smile, the denunciation was saturated by reluctant affection. "However, I will have to make do."

The carriage bearing the bride rocked on, on its way to Hartington Castle, where the wedding was scheduled to take place inside its chapel. Apparently, William's mother was married to his father in the same chapel. The bridal party arrived precisely at a quarter to twelve and Charlotte was quickly ushered into the grand castle.

Gathered around her as she waited with her friends, Charlotte tried to calm her heart which was hammering relentlessly. Her minds kept on conjuring a cornucopia of speculations and assumptions: what could possibly be going on in William's mind right now? Could he be as nervous as she was? However, Charlotte found herself questioning the most important issue that had plagued her since yesterday: Had William discovered the truth behind the misunderstanding that they had?

For a second her gaze landed on Lorry who was standing in front of a dresser and fussing over the clasp of her necklace. Negative thought swarmed her mind and brought anxiety to flood her mind.  Charlotte closed her eyes and drew calming breaths, banishing the thoughts away. She was convinced that the matter of their understanding must have already been put at rest. After all, why would William be willing to marry her, otherwise? Charlotte allowed the conclusion to sink in and nodded to herself.

Oliver suddenly poked in head into the room, winking at all the ladies present. "Let's get it started, shall we?"

After her friends had deserted the room, Charlotte rose from the settee she had been sitting on and reached for her bouquet of soft purple hydrangeas, sitting on the table. Not long after, her father pushed the door open and held out his arm.

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