Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty Five

William turned the tarnished tiara in his hand. The tiara was merely metal and painted with gold to give it a shiny golden appearance. It was already rusting in places. Nevertheless, he used to treasure it like it was made of gold: a source of his intrigued – now, fulfilled.

It was Charlotte.

It had always been Charlotte.

Once, when he was travelling in India an old man said that our lives, everything had been preordained by a higher power. There are some things that were destined to happen while there are some things are not. Now William was starting to believe him: maybe the old man wasn't rambling after all. Perhaps Charlotte was one of those things the man was talking about. He gave the crown another turn. William settled the trinket on his desk drawer and pushed it shut.

"How are you holding on?" A feminine voice cut through the silence of his sanctuary. William looked left to discover his sister standing by the door of his study. He motioned his right hand in a silent invitation and Lorelei sauntered into the room, pausing only to light a candle and dispelling the dimness of the shadowy space. "Goodness, it's so gloomy in here."

"What is the time?" William rose from his chair and parted the heavy curtain. Weak late afternoon light penetrated the room in a golden sliver. Lorelei settled herself on one of the settee and begun plumping a few pillows.

"It's almost six." She answered absent mindedly. Then, she directed her eyes to her brother. "Are you truly fine?"

William turned away from the window to face his sister. He smiled and took to his chair again. "I am. I can't wait to see her again. Are you sure she will be there tonight?"

A grin blossomed on Lorelei's lips as she regarded her older brother. "Yes, I am sure. Lady Samantha had just sent me a missive confirming Lady Charlotte's attendance in tonight's party at Almacks."

"Good." William nodded, inattentively stroking his finger on a wooden coffer on his desk.

His distractedness made Lorelei chuckle. "Goodness Will, if I knew my advice would eventually be the cause of such distress I would not give it to you freely in the first place!"

Confused, he looked to his sister. "What do you mean?"

Lorelei shook her head and rose to her feet. "Nothing. I wish you the best of luck tonight, brother dear."

Lorelei could scarcely remember having such a good time such as these, before in her life. After her mourning period for her husband had ended, she decided to leave her late husband's home and returned to London, to William whom she had missed dreadfully. Upon her discovery that he would soon be wed, her happiness doubled: she never had a sister before! Even better, her soon to be sister-in-law is Lady Charlotte Alistair who is great fun to be around. Plus, it would also be good for William to finally settle down. Lorelei could only imagine the life William had led so farm travelling from one place to another, never fully feeling the warmth of home.

Oh, her grandfather was utterly brilliant in matching Lady Charlotte and Will together! In her opinion they are perfect for each other! Lady Charlotte seemed to be in love with William, scared to admit that she was for fear it would not be reciprocated, but Lorelei could see it as clear as day. Her brother on the other hand, appeared to be just as infatuated. The only problem was, William was a tad reluctant to see how in love he really was besides being a little bit confused as well. That seemed to the case, until three weeks ago at the night of the ball when he boldly announced their betrothal.

It was love! They were in love!

Upon their journey back to London from Brighton, William remained peculiarly silent. It was halfway of their travels when Lorelei was compelled to ask him what the matter was.

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