The Infestation

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      I'm Not Okay (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance

Clarity's pov

"Who's that?" I whispered to my best friend Nyx, as I saw a guy I've never seen before. He seemed kinda confused walking around the building. He had those weird sweats that every guy wears, a striped shirt and a quiff. I deemed him as a typical fuckboy.
"I'm not sure, I do know that there is going to be a lot of new people this week though." Nyx said, probably agreeing with my conclusion that he is a fuckboy.
"Do you know if there is going to be anyone interesting?" I asked her, wondering if there would be any cut guys that aren't fuckboys.
"Probably not, I just know that there's going to be new people."
"Oh, okay." I say as I hide behind Nyx because the schools biggest bully, Chase was about to walk by. He's never bullied her, but he's always bullying me. That's probably because she is the prettiest girl ever, and I'm just a short, fat, emo girl that nobody likes. At least Nyx can pull of the different look.
"It's going to be alright baby." Nyx whispers to me, knowing what Chase has done to me.
Soon enough, the bell goes off, signaling that it's time for first period. I see the new kid going into my first period which is gym, but I don't mind it. I got my clothes out of my locker and went into the bathroom stall. Most girls change in the locker room but there is stuff that shouldn't be seen. After I make sure that my gym clothes are on right, I go and put my clothes in my locker. When I go into the gym see my friends Jemma and Lauren.
"Who's the new kid?" asked Lauren, as she was checking out the guy I saw ealrierbwhen I was with Nyx.
"I'm not sure, but Nyx told me that there is going to be some new people this week." I told her, hoping she wouldn't think what I know she will think.
"Well looks like I've found another victim, and no one is going to find out about this one." She replied, me knowing what she was talking about  but not wanting her to do it.
As Lauren made her way to the new kid, I had spaced off. Hoping that there was somebody new that would be an eye-catcher, I'm tired of the school being just full of preppy kids and people who like to bully me because I'm different. I want somebody who will understand me, preferably a guy, not like a boyfriend (who would want to date me?) but like a friend that's a guy. I'm getting tired of getting attached to my friends that are girls and being called gay.
" I wish there is going to be a cute guy with a great taste in music, a great personality, and understands me." I meant to say in my head, but the words accidentally left my mouth, causing me to gasp out of annoyance in myself.
"What was that? Someone wants a little saviour, because they can't stand being alone. Why could that be? Oh wait, because she is just a dependent little bitch. And for your information I am a very cute guy, I do have a good taste in music, my personality is great,   and I do understand you, I understand that you are just a fuck up and a mistake to society." I fell against the wall a curled myself into a little ball, Chase's words hurt, I'm just glad he didn't get physical this time. When I looked up I saw him walking with his friends and laughing, I  heard my name come from one of them, the were probably talking about what Chase said. Until saw him hit his best friend, I gasped as I heard the words that came out of his mouth right then, "How dare you say that, she is just a mistake,  uhh shouldn't be thinking that way!" He walked away from his friend, his friend staring in defeat. I wanted to walk over to him and ask what that was about, but my anxiety would have gotten the best of me. I decided on just putting my head in my hand and sitting there until we had to line up for role call.

《~The End Of First Period~》

The bell to get dressed into our regular clothes had rung. I went into the locker room and towards my locker, and like most times there was a ton of girls in front of it. I looked down and said excuse me several times so I could get to it, it didn't help that my locker was on the very bottom exactly in the corner. I got passed the girls and to my locker. I went back into the bathroom to get changed. One thing I like about my school is that I can wear whatever I want. So I put on my 'My Chemical Romance' shirt with black skinny jeans, dark purple high top converse, and a grey beanie hanging out of my back pocket. I went back into the gym to talk to Lauren and Jemma until the bell for second periond rang.
"So were going to be having a lot of new kids this week." I told them sighing.
"How much do you wanna bet there isn't going to be any cute guys?" Jemma asked. "...that aren't fuckboys."
"Well considering most guys are fuckboys..." Lauren started.
"I don't know, I have a really good feeling about this." I simply stated.
"Fine I bet you that within this infestation there will be no cute guys, five bucks." Jemma suggested, knowing Lauren wouldn't do it because she thinks every guy is cute.
"Fine." As soon as I agreed the bell for second period rang.
I went to second period which was science with Lauren and Jemma, and another friend of mine, Octavia. Yet again, in this class I saw the new kid.
"Hello class, today I would like to introduce your newest classmate, Tommy!" Mrs. Cannon said as the new kid stood up.
I ended up having the new kid in my third period and in my lunch break. He honestly had been getting me really annoyed with his attitude by now.

So yes, the title of this book is based off of the album by PTV, but it has nothing to do with PTV other than a few characters liking it. I would recommend listening to the song(s) listed at the top of each chapter while reading that chapter. Some things that have happened in my life are in here but (hahaha) you will never know what's true and what's not. Finally, some of these characters have different names and some have different personalities so... yeah.

Words: 1150

★☆~Lala~ ☆★

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