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59.99 miles in and 0.01 miles to go.

She began her trek to the safe-zone at the first sight of light and found herself still walking when the light started disappearing. Thirty miles in and thirty miles to go.
She hadn't ate a crumb of anything all day and her bottle provided only a few sips of water for which she was saving for tomorrow and that night, as she lay to sleep in a strong branch of a tall tree, she remembered the few descriptions of Alexandria her group told her,
"Don't underestimate the power of them," Which to her was bullshit. Her group taught her every defense move and manipulation tactic before she began her first mission more than a year ago and plus she knew how stupid people were in this world.
"They don't know what's coming, don't they?" she determinedly spoke to the void of the dark forest. She heard a few walkers snarl to the tone of her silvery voice and she chuckled and replied, "Yeah, I hope so too."
The early dawn began with the girl trudging through murky stream water. It was clear enough to vaguely see her reflection and the sight made her laugh. What once was a light shade of chestnut was now a black tangle of strings hanging from her head and she didn't even know how to describe her face. She missed her other ruddy cheeks, not these new muddy ones.

Alexandria wasn't far now, maybe a mile or two. The girl knew from the beginning of this trip here she didn't want to show up looking like another desperate person that selfishly wanted to live - she had to really need their help. The girl could also recall being taught what a human's most dangerous weaknesses were: pity and love and she was going to damn well use them.

'The height looked better from the bottom of the tree' the girl thought as she stood up on a thick branch, a little far from the safer ground that she would love to be back on now. The girl looked down and thought she was extremely stupid for doing this, a probable death sentence. "I'm doing it for her" she kept whispering and leaning closer to the edge of the branch. "I'm doing it for her. I'm doing this for her. I'm doing this-" she breathily grunted as her body hit the ground. The fall was so short she didn't remember falling. She did remember when her ankle started hurting like hell. She grumbled as she unwillingly pulled herself up, "I don't have time for sitting here making a easy meal for these dumbass walkers." The girl stood up and began limping towards the direction of Alexandria before the dead could get her. Now that her ankle was twisted maybe she could use their pity to make this mission a bit easier.

The colossal walls and the abundance of rusty cars that reflected the sunlight to where she was barely holding herself up made her so relived. Maybe she wouldn't die today. She wanted to run there gracefully and beg for help but her body wouldn't agree. The girl was on the verge of collapsing.
59.9 miles in and 0.01 miles to go.
A couple Walkers started turning in her direction but the girl was too weak to fight them off and too slow to run away.
"I can't let these dead assholes eat me. My dad would kill me after I'm killed." she encouraged herself to move, but she started limping fast, too fast for her body to handle.
The exhausted girl didn't remember the walkers around her being stabbed, neither did she remember passing out from dehydration and feeling someone's arms catching her before her body hit the ground like a pig about to fall into it's mud hole; although she did remember looking up to the person who caught her before fully falling unconscious, he had one bright eye staring back at her and a bandage covering the other. He was also accompanied by a pretty girl with black hair and a Chinese or Korean dude with a similar hair color. Maybe she was dying and these attractive angels are bringing her to whatever comes next...
Unexpectedly, the girl felt excitement brewing in her stomach, she wasn't afraid of death - she would welcome it.
"I'll see you soon Mailee," she remembered her whisper that sounded more like the soft wind than her, "I'll see you-" she remembered trying to repeat before she didn't remember anything at all.

I got bored one day and this gem came to mind so therfore idk what I'm doing but I hope you like it :)))

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