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dedicated to darylsfiance - happy birthday!

“If there's anything in this new world that I can guarantee, it's that the Savior are ruthless as hell.”

I woke upon the same bed as yesterday, but with a different feeling. It felt lonely and silent - the awful kind where you know the same noise you always heard would never return. I couldn't quite manage my leg properly, yet. If I was already walking around I could handle it, but not when I woke up and my body was barely awake too.  Denise was my alarm and helper for the past days I spent here until she died because of my shitty group. My stubbornness made me painfully maneuver myself off the white cot I slept upon with only a few difficulties. I stretch out once my feet could support my weight and I heard a slight knock at the door. Thankful to not be lonely in this stuffy clinic, I immediately raced - or limped - to the door and unlocked it to reveal the visitor. It was the lady with the samurai and Rick. I had slight worry that they were here because they discovered my secret but that was unlikely.

“Umm...hello?” I awkwardly greeted them.

“Hey, do you mind if we check on our supply of medicine?” Rick asked. Nodding, I let him and Michonne in. Carl, who hid behind them, approached the door too but stop before me, about to speak. “Sorry ‘bout yesterday.” I said before he breathed a word out. He smiled slightly, “How's your ankle?” Carl asked with genuine care in his tone. I grinned as well, knowing he already forgave me for my rudeness and I answered, “Completely fine, now.” I sorta lied since I didn't want to reveal how it still hurt like hell sometimes. He nodded his head cutely and I couldn’t help but reach out and push a long strand of his dark hair away from his only, yet gorgeous, eye to see it better. He blushed and looked behind my shoulder. I saw Michonne chuckling to Rick who lashed out a smirk to his son while rummaging through the cabinets. I rolled my eyes and walked inside, motioning for Carl to follow.

We got on the topic of how they were going on a run for more supplies and Michonne asked if I wanted to tag along. Carl shot that down immediately, saying my ankle was still healing.

“You don't know shit about my ankle, and I'd go even if it was broken; I can't stay in this lonely clinic anymore, you guys gotta let me go.”  I pleaded to Rick and Michonne. They gave each other a questioning look. “What if a walkers reaches out for you? What are you going to do? Sprint away?” Carl chuckled without humor, “Last time I checked, you still limped around like a puppy who got kicked.” he finished.  I felt my anger firing up. “Who the hell gave you the right to make decisions for me?” I shot back, “I bet I could take your weak ass down in a fight, even with my crappy ankle.” I challenged. Rick raced to stand between us all of a sudden. “Let's hope it doesn't go to that.” his tone was filled with concern. My anger flared up a little too much and now me and Carl went from forgiveness to the verge of fist-fighting. “I think I'm going to sit this one out. You guys can go, I'll just hang out with Enid later.” Carl announced while impressively suppressing his rage. I knew he was trying to me make me jealous by pulling Enid into this but I almost never felt jealousy in circumstances like these. Without another word, the one-eyed boy was gone.

Me, Rick and Michonne left without Carl some minutes later. I tried my best to make up for that infuriating situation by being kind to them and helpful, which they gladly accepted. Soon we packed ourselves into the car - without Carl - and Rick asked me to double check our water supply because he explained that there was no telling when we would be back. I raced up to the car door and thanked the gods that my ankle did not feel as shitty today so I could walk around with a skip in my step.

Waiting for me by the car was the one and only Carl Grimes. As a slowed down to a stop in front of him, I noticed his face displayed worry along with regret in his bright blue eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2017 ⏰

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