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"No, you didn't see the look in her eyes, she was lost, she might be here but she isn't here."

The dark void she was enjoying vanished away as the girl gasped straight awake and became very much alive.
"What the holy hell?" the girl croaked and leaned up on her forearms in shock. This wasn't death, too much pain in her body for that. She regretted trying to sit up and her muscles threw her body back onto the bed. The girl was shivering from pain and fear.
What happened to death?
After groaning from any movement she made for minutes, curiosity stuck itself into her brain and she painfully moved her neck around to see. The room was very plain except for her backpack in one corner and a IV stand next to her. The bed beneath her was all covered in all white except for the dirt stains she assumed were from her filthy clothes. It wasn't a big bed, probably a cot, and the empty room wasn't big and she guessed that she was in a Alexandria clinic.
The girl sat up groaning and clutching her side, almost screaming out in pain when she moved her bandaged foot - it wasn't broken but it definitely wasn't healed either. The girl violently yanked out the IV and other medicine cords from her arm, she hated medicine. The needles left her arm bleeding and she sat back taking in all the pain and soreness from the movement she just made.
"It hurts like a bitch", the girl groaned to herself. She leaned forward and bit down on her tongue when she began moving her leg, "But I just need to get this mission over with" she murmured. Maneuvering her body off the bed and standing up was a bad freaking idea.
She was about to take her first step until her other injured foot caught in the daped bedsheet and she tumbled down face-first.
"Damn that hurts," she chuckled in pain and her muscles couldn't move even an inch.
"Well this has been another stupid idea by yours truly." she laughed. The noise her fall caused must've been noticed by someone because she heard footsteps approaching her door.
She didn't even try to get up anymore, she kept laughing and laughing and laughing...
"Oh my god." A blonde woman gasped at the girl's awkward position on the floor. She covered her mouth immediately, trying not to laugh along with the girl's extremely contagious laugh. Personally, the girl knew she had a weird, contagious laugh that always made the other person to laugh along. She even used it to her sick advantages over poor survivors, but this time it just annoyed her; the doctor was supposed to be helping her from this floor, not trying to contain her laughter.
Her body became even her sore with each laugh that bubbled uncontrollably out of her mouth and after a half a minute laying on the floor with a doctor above her who failed at concealing her laugh, she forced her rough voice out, "Mind helping me up? Or are you gonna just stand there and laugh at me all day?" The doctor coughed and her chubby face became flushed at the sudden change of mood.
"Yes, I'm s-sorry," the woman said in a wobbly voice.
"That's fine, it's not like I was in pain or anything..." the girl muttered even though the woman didn't hear.
"My names Denise, I'm kinda new at this whole doctor thing." she explained while helping the girl to the bed. "I haven't had a patient in a couple of days before you arrived yesterday afternoon; you've given me something to do...,"
"Mmm-hmm." the girl agreed even though she wasn't paying attention at all, too focused on her ankle pain.
"You have very cool eyes you know that?" Denise's barely caught the girl's attention there.
"Complete heterochromia effects 6 in 1000 births and causes different eye colors like yours, although most aren't noticeable, your eyes most definitely are."
"Eye nerd? Or you just like to annoy the hell outta me?"
Denise smiled weakly a little offended but kept staring into the girl's eye in fascination.
It was told by her thousands of times that her eye condition was so cool and so rare and so blah blah blah.
The inpatient girl spoke up ready to leave and get started with her mission, "We can discuss all about my eyes later," she rolled her green and blue eyes and looked away so Denise couldn't see them. "but first I want to leave this room." Before Denise could answer, a pretty brown haired woman opened the door with a smile set on her face. "I came in to see how the you were doing," the woman approached her bed still smiling. The girl tried to ignore both of them as she leaned back in her bed, slowly placing her sore hands behind her head.
"She's-" Denise started.
"I'm doing just fine," the girl said - adding as much sarcasm she could, wanting to annoy Denise as much as she annoyed her. "But thanks for the concern." Mocking the pretty woman's smile but she just ignored the sarcasm and introduced herself, "My names Maggie,"
The girl did like her accent...
"If Denise hasn't already told you, this is Alexandria and we have very strong walls and have guards watching 24/7. If you plan on staying you also need to know that everyone contributes to this community after you've been approved by the leader, Rick. He'll probably see you soon. We have-"
"When can I leave this room and look around for myself?" the girl interrupted rudely. All she wanted to do is begin what she came here for and get the hell out.
For once, Maggie didn't smile, she wore a disappointing look instead. "You ain't leaving this bed until Denise confirms you're healed."
"Which won't be for a little while, unless you want a deformed ankle." her doctor inputted.
The girl groaned louder than she wanted to. Maggie flashed some anger in her eyes and gave her a strange look. Denise gently took Maggie's arm and motioned to the door looking angrily at the girl too,
"Let's give her some time alone, she probably needs it." The pretty woman gave her a last look and said, "The leader will meet you tonight, you outta work on that attitude before he comes." then she shut the door hard behind her and Denise. The girl just scoffed.
Later that day, she heard people talking nearby her door.
"She's rude as hell...but she's all bruised up and has a twisted ankle. What if she's too mean to Rick and he sends her back out, Glenn? She's probably not going to survive another day out there."
"Maggie, you know Rick won't send her out there like that, but if she becomes a big nuisances to Alexandra, he might consider it and so will I if she stresses out you this much."
"No, you didn't see the look in her eyes, she was lost, she might be here but she isn't here. You more than anyone should know how the outside world changes you."
"Yes, but we became a family not just a group, she became a rude-"
The girl didn't hear the rest of their conversation. She turned over and blocked it out and blocked out her thoughts by fighting for sleep and blocked out her feelings because she only knew that the man was right.

You know you have made a crummy chapter when you have no clue what you wrote.
Ps. I'm sorry I didn't write any Carl here he's comin' soon trust me ;)

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