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“I knew what I should do, but what the Saviors needed wasn't something I could give them anymore.”

“Denise wasn't just a friend, she was our ally, lover, doctor, and most importantly, an Alexandrian.” Tara paused before blowing her nose and trying to disguise her sloppy, damp face from the present audience, which included Daryl, Rosita, Rick, Maggie, Glenn, Carl and some others I sorta knew. Daryl looked like a stupor and unsurprisingly pissed. I could tell he and Denise had a blossoming friendship. But no one looked like Tara- grief coated her eyes and depressed sighs escaped out of her mouth for time to time. Denise didn't really inform me about her love life, yet if I were to guess, I would bet my leather jacket that they had a very deep connection.

The sun shone weakly upon our heads and the sky threaten to cry and cover itself with gloomy clouds. I found it ironic for the melancholy weather considering the circumstances. We were gathered outside near Denise’s grave - no black clothes, sad expressions replaced with determination (except Tara) and worry about the group who cause the very death we were attending. I looked down at my soggy boots, that were once designer and clean, and felt a sweaty hand sneak into mine. I looked into one eye of the owner who's hand held mine sweetly. He had a blank face and a gleam of concern. I couldn't look into his beautiful eye much longer, the truth was killing me. How was I supposed to let this scarred boy embrace my hand with his without my guilty conscience reminding me that I was responsible for their innocent doctor’s death? I wiggled my palm away from his rudely and turned away more from his hurt gaze.

When the pathetic funeral was over, I left immediately, trying my best to not to look careless about Denise. I felt Carl’s eye still burning into my back and I felt more uncomfortable than ever here. I knew what I should do, but what the Saviors needed wasn't something I could give them anymore. I was probably setting up a war, or I could return with a lie that Alexandria was just too powerful. A huge percentage would say that Negan wouldn't believe me and I would get the punishment of a lifetime and this place would get hurt nonetheless, but I started this and I needed to stop it. These people didn't deserve the loss of their supplies or fighters and they sure as hell didn't deserve a war either. I sat upon the stairs of the clinic with my head in my hands- feeling like I’d lost a battle. The pulse to get up and leave rushed through my veins, however, my ankle was still a hell of a nuisance and I couldn't actually run, much less climb these walls. After a while, I didn't feel much emotion and just sat there empty, letting my hands cover my face. The whole Carl situation was messed up, too. The damn kid couldn't stop glancing at me with worry. I wanted to spit in his face and tell him to stop looking at me like that.

Later that ugly day, Rick held a meeting for all Alexandrians to discuss the harmful group Daryl and Rosita encountered. Everyone packed into the church and the speech from Rick began. It was just a reminder of Denise passing and suggestions on what to do to the group that did it. I blanked out for most of it, as did Carl, awkwardly trying not to glance my way by looking at his feet. Everyone agreed to find and kill on sight if one of the members was seen. A man named Morgan made an attempt to convince them to spare the group but it was just unless. I wished I could say that I opposed the idea of liquidating my own group, but no sound came from my lips as the meeting went on.

“One more thing before you are dismissed,” Rick said with maturity, “Rosita found this note stuck to the arrow that...killed Denise….” He lifted up a dirty piece of paper that looked bare from where I sat in the back. “Apparently, this note isn't in in English- it looks Japanese.”
I choked on my spit when Rick stated this.
“Is anyone fluent or know anything about this language?”
I slid my body further down the seat in an attempt to be as unnoticeable as possible. When everyone started doing that thing where they look around for someone who raised their hand, Rick realized no one knew an ounce of that language. I, of course, didn't want them to know how many languages I was taught - said languages include Japanese - by my sister. If I were to raise my hand and read it aloud for Alexandria, I might as well be screeching that I work for the very people who killed Denise.

Rick passed the letter around for us to examine closer, in hopes that any familiar words anyone knew could help, but no sound was made as Rick looked on and worriedly looked for any signs of recognition as the paper continued in my direction.

When it did reach me, however, our leader barely had any hope of anyone knowing the language. As I was the last person to hold it, I stared at it longer, translating it in my mind. I almost let out a laugh, of course Negan would be impatient, but a week was an abundance of time given by him. The letter read:

‘Watashi no musume wa, anata wa sono uragiri kōdo o ofu ni sōshin suru tame ni 3-nichi o motte Matawa watashitachi wa jibun jishin de kuroda roshi, wareware wa anata ga sore no tochū de, ima wa itte imasu shitaku arimasen.  

- Negan’

People started looking my way suspiciously, and I handed back the paper to Rick, who was about to exit the building in shame because of his inability to do anything useful, while I just sat there and frowned. I hated lying to these innocent people just to selfishly survive. I watched everyone stare around the room, with terror and guilt, wishing they could've known Japanese to help the community against the dangerous outsiders. Carl looked at the ground for most of meeting but now he stared at it with a urgent determination. I wanted to risk my survival for him, but I couldn't find myself to speak up…maybe it would be best if I risked it for him in another way that included confronting my group personally. I had exactly 3 days and would be spending each of them wisely before all hell broke lose.

Translation for the letter:

“My daughter, you have a week to send off that betrayal code, or we'll come in ourselves and we don't want you in the middle of it now don't we.


thank you for the votes, it's what inspires me to keep this story going <3
I keep procrastinating this so idk when the next one will be out, but I do have good plans for the next few chapters;;;;;))))

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