-Chapter 3-

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We arrived, but we weren't at a building or any gate. I got out. We were in the middle of a forest. There was a dirt path to that led to somewhere ahead. Ditching the car, Elisa and Dixon started down the path and I followed without a clue of what would happen to me. Dixon nearly tripped a couple of times but never actually fell. Elisa couldn't stop laughing at that, but I silently watched while checking my surroundings.

After a while we finally arrived at a tall wall made of steel. I looked left then right. It stretched pretty far. There were two very large clear glass doors with clear long bar handles that led inside, why would they use glass for doors? Anyone could get through glass without trying.

"Why do you use glass for doors and not a stronger material?" I asked both Elisa and Dixon.

"Oh ho, don't underestimate this glass." Dixon replied.
"Freakishly strong." Elisa added.

"Yep, you don't want to even try to get through, it stings horribly." Said a masculine guard with a raspy voice as he and the other guard standing by the other door both nodded and pulled with all their strength. The doors slowly opened, revealing a beautiful, shady looking town.

"That's just the first layer too." Dixon said. We all began to enter, without hesitation. Suddenly an arrow whizzes past my head, just barely missing it.

Dixon grabbed my arm and yanked me inside faster than I could have ran. Elisa had ran inside. I turned to see who had shot the arrow from the woods behind but I saw no one. I turned around to see the town again, but this time I also noticed the extra layer of walls surrounding a larger creme colored building towards the back.

"Are we trying to get to the building in the back?" I asked. It was a pretty dumb question to be honest, with only one obvious answer.

"No, you live in a bank." Dixon said sarcastically.

"Don't listen to him and yes, that building in the back is your place." Elisa said.

"So maybe I should tell Dixon to leave me a loan?" I cracked.

They both just stared at me. Not saying a word. My joke wasn't even that bad! It was a great one! Come on!

"I get it, it wasn't really all that punny anyways, I didn't mean to pun-ish you." I said under my breath.

"Stop that!!" Elisa shouted while swiping at me.

Later we stopped by a family owned coffee shop. I went to go get us seats while they ordered. They came over to the table I had and set everything down. Dixon passed me a sandwich, although I noticed Elisa and Dixon didn't have sandwiches for them.

"Adeline, you need to eat, you look hungry." Dixon said with a bit of sympathy.

What were they talking about? Need to eat? I haven't eaten in a while? Well I'm fat enough anyways.

"What do you mean? When's the last time I ate?" I asked, staring at the sandwich.

"Oh right, you've been asleep for the past few days." Elisa said. "Well eat."

I ate. Then I realized how hungry I was so I ate it and ordered another. "So what will happen to me once we get there?" I asked.

"Well, it's almost night right now, we have been traveling all day, so you'll probably meet a few people then go to sleep." Elisa said. "No more puns, by the way."

"Elisa dislikes puns." Dixon said. We all then stood up and left. There were so many shops and homes and restaurants. None of it was fancy, it was just your average town. With not that many to no rapists and burglars. People didn't seem to notice me when Elisa gave me some sort of crème colored cloak, which was great. I couldn't stand all the ooh and aah.

I pulled the hood up and walked faster. We arrived at the lightly shaded building.

I blinked, "Wait, why didn't we just drive the car?" I realized it once we got to the building. I just realized. Seriously?

"We..we didn't drive a car? Why not?" I asked. They turned around.

"Oh, the car just broke down. That's all, no need to freak out" Elisa replied cheerfully.

"Well we're finally here." Dixon muttered, "I'm tired."

Two large gates opened and we entered. After a 5 minute walk we finally reached another place. It was like a base, people scrambling everywhere and trying to get things done. Others were on phones talking. But it was pretty. In all the commotion, if you just blocked the sound out, it was pretty.

suddenly Violet came rushing over. She had on flats, A plaid skirt, and a black buttoned shirt. "You're finally here! Great. Okay, well I've been waiting all day, it's really late so you should probably get some sleep." She said.

"It's only nine." I said and pulled the hood higher to cover my face.

"I'm tired." Dixon said and Elisa nodded in agreement. I sighed and shrugged. "Okay, lets go then?"

Violet took me to my room while Elisa and Dixon left to wherever they slept. My room wasn't all that fancy, which was just fine by me. There were posters up and one window overlooking some the town. Streetlights flickered and the streets were silent. Some people walked on the sidewalks and cars drove by but not much happened. I examined my room some more. There was a desk in one corner of the room and my bed was in the other corner of the room. I had a closet which was half filled with clothes and cloaks.

I sighed, turned off the lights, and went to bed.

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