-Chapter 1-

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I woke up, I was floating in space. I looked around and noticed there were 8 teenagers around me. five female and three male. They all were in green and white futuristic looking spacesuits. The green lining on their suits glowed extremely bright, most likely so they are visible from far distances. four of the five girls had tears streaming down their faces. The guys had panicked expressions.

"Somebody call the Leaflet health care services immediately!" Shouted a brown curly haired teen with black glasses and blue eyes, I guess he was the one taking control of the situation. A girl with blonde hair pushed a green button on her waist beside a large amount of buttons of all different colors that wrapped around her waist,and started shouting, but I couldn't hear what she was saying, everything was a bit blurry and her voice sounded far away.

I tried to sit up since I was floating laying down but pain shot up my left shoulder and left kneecap. I flinched and layed back down.

"Her arms broken! I know it!" I could make out from a female teen with black hair and hazel eyes, pointing at me.

Now that I think about it, I can't remember a THING. None of these faces were familiar to me. Oh, and one more thing..


My head hurt, I didn't want to think about this too much but I am extremely confused.

Before I could figure out what was happening, two men in green suits came up from behind me. There were small logos on their suits and words below it but my vision was blurry so I can't quite make out what it said. They grabbed my shoulders, I flinched and silently cursed to myself in pain. Noticing my pain, one grabbed my legs and the other held onto the large circular bubble on my head that kept me from dying. Yes you know what it is.

"Lets get her back to the ship and down to earth quickly, we can't waste time!" one shouted to the other and the other simply nodded and we were suddenly being yanked back to a large ship. the other teens followed, being yanked too with ropes connected to their suits.

Everything began to fade, and I passed out.

I woke up in a hospital bed. I examined the room around me. It was actually pretty nice for a hospital room. A dark blue leather couch across from me, a t.v. above it, a light blue lamp in the corner, black curtains covering the window, a desk with all sorts of equipment next to me, a smiling girl about the same age as me sitting on the couch, A mirror with a green frame, and about 20 balloons in the corner, each had its own special message. Whoa.

"Great! You're awake!" The smiling girl exclaimed rushing to my side. "How do you feel?! Anything hurting?" She examined my shoulder. She had orange hair, blue eyes and freckles.

"Uh...No but who are you? Why am I here, why can't I remember anything?" I rubbed my head, now I could start asking questions.

Her face fell, her look became sorrowful. "Adeline, please don't joke right now."

"I'm really not, why can't I remember anything!"

"Oh no, the collision..." Her voice trailed off and her eyes welled up with tears. "You really don't remember anything, do you?" She grabbed my shoulder.

I shook my head. "Not at all. I'm sorry."

"I-its okay! We'll just find a way to trigger your memory. I-I'm Violet! Your assistant!" A tear slid down her cheek.

"I have an assistant? What for?" I felt bad for her, was I special to her?

"You we're a ruler and brave warrior of the Crimson Renegade's, you made peace with everyone, solved all the wars, you were brilliant" I could see the hope in her eyes.

"Whoa, whats all of this? Crimson Renegade's?"

"Your army..everyone respects you. I am your special assistant, even if were only 16!" Her eyes gleamed with pride. A nurse entered.

"Oh, I should be leaving now, but you'll be out tomorrow Adeline." She began walking towards the door.

"Tomorrow? How long have I been out?"

"Three days." Violet said shrugging. "I'll be at the base, but Elisa and Dixon will be here tomorrow to pick you up and take you back to base." She turned and left.

"what are my injuries?" I turned and asked the nurse.

"A left broken arm and A left broken kneecap but your injuries are already healed somehow." she bowed and rushed out after setting down a cup of water and a orange for me.

"Thank you!" I called after her but she was already gone. My injuries? Already healed? Wow what kind of hospital was I in?!

I successfully got up with no pain and walked over to the mirror. My long Crimson hair was a mess with my tired looking hazel eyes and green hospital gown. I sighed and went back to bed, waiting for tomorrow to come.

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