Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Who's this?" Tomlinson asked calmly, as he looked me up and down, probably undressing me in his rotten mind. I shuddered and glared at him which only made him smirk.

"Alexander Rolan, the man that dared to steal your notebook made a deal with us. He gave us the notebook--" Styles threw the little black object in the table, "-- and his girlfriend in exchange for his life."

"So you spared him?" Tomlinson asked, getting slightly angry.

"I'm sorry, Louis. But it was a pity to think we would've had to kill the girl just because she was the witness," Styles spoke.

I shivered as his fingers trailed over my bare shoulder. Tomlinson smirked and stood up from behind the table. He walked around it before haulting to a stop in front of me.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" He asked sweetly, crouching in front of me. I, being the bitch I was, glared at him and then spat on his black shirt. Everyone around the room gasped and Styles snickered. Tomlinson first stared down at his shirt and then looked back up, his blue eyes darkening with anger. He grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked my head back.

"Oh, a tad sassy are we?" He whispered harshly. "Don't worry, darling. I'll break you into pieces. Bit by bit."

Tomlinson let go of me, stood up and walked back around to his desk. "Take her to the guest bedroom and lock the door," he ordered.

The boys spoke something in unison before Styles yanked me up and pushed me out the room. They pulled me down the hallway and basically threw me in a room. I landed on my face and heard them lock the door instantly. I grunted and looked around my surroundings.

It was a dark room with the illuminating moon as the only light source. There was a bed straight ahead and on either side of it were nightstands. I pushed myself up and dusted my pajama pants before I looked around the room. Yes, I was in my pajama pants and tank top, cause they burst in right as I was heading to bed.

I walked over to the door on the left and found it was a bathroom. Next to it was a small walk-in closet which had empty racks all around. So nothing to change into.

I walked back into the bedroom and looked around every cupboard, table and shelf to see if I could find a key or at least something to open the door with, but to no avail. Nothing was just left here and every shelf and drawer was empty. Obvious really, since it was a guest bedroom not someone's personal bedroom.

I took a deep breath, swallowing the salty tears that were looking so hard for a way out. I fell on the ground in front of the bed and just leaned my back against it.

This was not the way it was supposed to be. I wasn't supposed to be wrapped in all of this. Now, since my coward of a boyfriend wanted to spare his life, I am stuck here between gangs and guns. Finally the tears that I had fought off for a while now, began slowly trailing down my cheeks and everything came crashing down on me. I was in the middle of a gang war.


"Hello? Wakey, wakey," I heard a girl's voice the next day.

I grunted and looked up to see I was on the floor. I must've fallen asleep while crying. Next to me was crouching a beautifil girl. She had brown hair with matching brown eyes. Her thick natural eyelashes padded as she waited for me to react.

"Why did you sleep on the ground? You know what, never mind. Louis is gonna kill me if I don't get you ready in time," she spoke and looked at me. "You're pretty, you know? Anyways, my name is Ella. And yours is?"

She seemed nice enough. "Ariana."

"That's a pretty name! Now come on, I have to get you dressed before the boss comes and dresses you himself," Ella giggled and pulled me up. I noticed a pile of clothes on the bed and looked at her questioningly. "Those are mine. We seem to be about the same size, except you're tinier but it'll work. I have no idea when Louis is gonna get you your own clothing."

"I don't care." Ella stared at me shocked at first but then she smiled sadly.

"Alright well, lets get you ready!"

"Ready for what?" I questioned, sitting on the edge of the white covers of the bed. Now that I got a better look of the room, I noticed that the floor was made of dark wood and the walls were a pastel yellow with little flowers decorating it. Most of the items made of wood seemed to be made of pear wood. This guy had really expensive taste.

"The breakfast. Louis demanded your presence and I'm here to take you to him," Ella explained and sorted through the clothes. She threw me a cute little knee length black dress with elbow long sleeves. I also noticed some underwear under the pile of clothes.

"I don't want to be there," I announced and she stared at me in pure shock.

"You have to. Niall is behind the door waiting for you to get ready," Ella spoke silently.


"Yes. He's my boyfriend and also the only blonde one of the group," Ella explained and I nodded swiftly. Now I know why she's here.

"Still. I'm here because my asshole of a boyfriend sent me with them to save his own ass. I am not here to please them and if they don't like that, they can stick it." My voice was calm but I'm pretty sure Ella could sense the harshness in it.

"Alright, well... Do you want me to go talk to him about it? Maybe I can change his mind?" She offered hesitantly. I shrugged but leaned against the bedframe, looking at her.

Ella quickly excused herself and then strutted off. I first heard her talking to Niall behind the door, but she then walked away and I knew Niall had stayed in place. So much for my escaping. Some might be wondering why I wasn't going out the window. Well, first off, there are cameras around his yard, I saw them when we arrived and also, I'm three floors up from the ground. Yeah, it's that big of a mansion.

A tad later, a few voices approached and then a very angry looking Tomlinson burst in. His cheeks were flushed red with anger and also his neck. He stomped over to me and yanked me up by my hair so I was standing straight in front of him.

"You are declining aren't you?" He growled.

"I thought you came here cause you knew that," I shrugged innocently and he slapped me. He. Slapped. Me. Mighty hard, may I add.

"Don't act brave, Ariana. Cause when you act brave, you piss people off and when you do that, you get killed," he hissed.

"So kill me then! I'm not planning on staying your hostage for the rest of my life anyways." He looked taken back by my words but quite quickly composed himself.

"Get dressed and Niall will take you downstairs. And remember, I'd be more than willing to dress you myself," he smirked and slipped his hand under the hem of my top. I pushed myself away from him and with a smirk, he exited.

With a whisper of a few colorful words, I grabbed the black dress, underwear and got dressed quickly. I noticed a pair of black heels next to the bed and slipped them on before I let the hairbrush run through my blue strands of hair, before I pulled them in an elegant ponytail.

I'm so gonna regret going there.


By the way, any spelling mistakes, I'm sorry. I mostly write on my phone :) Just let me know and I'll fix them! ♥ - K

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