Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I stood in the doorway to the huge dining room. Everyone were sitting on their places and the only two seats free were the ones next to Tomlinson and next to Ella. To my luck, Niall nudged me towards Ella and I silently sat down.

"I knew that dress would suit you. You can pull black off easily," Ella tried to ease the tension, but everyone sensed my dislike and the way I responded to Tomlinson's smirk with a glare, made most boys just coward back. You could say I was quite the bitch.

The entire breakfast was just awkwardly silent, with the boys occasionally speaking up about something that was going on. In the end of the breakfast, my plate was still full, as I had spent the time, leaning back and glaring at everyone who dared to throw me a glance.

"Ariana, please eat something," Ella begged, pushing the plate towards me. I huffed and pushed it back away and she sighed, feeling defeated.

Louis pushed himself up from his seat and walked around the table until he was behind me.

"Eat," he ordered silently, next to my ear. I only shuddered at the sudden cold air and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Angel, eat or I'm gonna take you to your room and lock you there," he spoke harshly and by now everyone were looking at us. I smirked and just continued on staring up ahead and out the window. 

Louis growled and then grabbed my arm, violently pulling me up and dragging me out with him. We went up the stairs and to the guest bedroom I had been placed in. He threw me onto the floor and then bent over me.

"You better learn to behave, angel. I don't necessarily want to damage your pretty face," he spat and then walked out, banging the door and locking it. I took a couple of minutes to just glare at the pale door and then I picked myself up. Lazily, I threw myself over the bed and just nuzzled my face into the pillow. 

Anger built in me slowly as I thought about staying in this large but still considerably empty house.

"FUCK YOU, TOMLINSON!" I yelled over the house and sighed, glad to feel that heavy feeling off my chest.


It's been three days since Louis locked me in that room. By this time, every corner of it was familiar to me. They didn't let me out to eat or anything. I got to drink from the bathroom but didn't want to. You can say it was my way of showing him I didn't care.

I didn't know what, but something was making me ill and I shivered as another onset of fever ran over me. When last night, the fever had began rising, I went to bed and I haven't still left it. I felt really sick and cold, even though I was hugging all the covers on the large double bed.

"Ariana?" I grunted softly as Ella's soft voice rang through the door that tried to muffle her voice. "Ariana, are you awake?"

I wanted to tell her I was sick, maybe I could get some medicine, but I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes or mouth. Everything felt so heavy and wrong, I didn't even bother on thinking anymore. A bit later, I heard some more footsteps and then the door was opened by the little key.

"Ariana? Oh god!" I felt someone checking my forehead and then my pulse. "Her pulse is weak and she has a high fever," Ella muttered to someone and sat on the edge of the bed. I could tell only by the way the bed moved under the little weight she owned.

"Ariana, please do something if you're conscious," Ella pleaded and even though I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes, I found the bit of strength to speak.

"I can't believe the fact that I'm dying of fever instead of being shot. You would think that would be the cause of my death seeing as I'm between all this mess," I muttered and I heard Ella sigh with relief.

"You're not dying, Ariana. You're conscious so I can fix you up. In a week maybe, you'll be up and sassying around," Ella spoke calmly and I felt her rise.

"I'm terribly sleepy. Can I please sleep?"

"No, Ariana. I can't let you fall asleep, you're in danger of coma, understand?" I grunted in an answer and then she felt my forehead again.

"Please, watch that she stays awake while I go down to get what I need," Ella spoke to someone and then she walked out. The other person in the room shifted around and then sat on the edge of the bed.

"Angel, you awake?" I groaned inwardly and wanted to slap his hand away as it rested on my knee.

"Go. Away," I muttered and sighed heavily.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. The doctor told me to watch over you." Was he smirking? Yeah, I'm pretty sure he was. If I wasn't sick, I'd just slap that smirk right off his face. Of course, the fact he's a gang leader also held me back quite a bit.

"I'd rather be in coma than near you," I whispered and felt myself slipping away slowly. As much as I did hate him, I didn't want to die.

"Angel?" He whispered softly. God, how I hated when he called me that. If I had the strength, I'd tell him. But I didn't. I was so weak, I couldn't even make a sound anymore.

"Angel?" He questioned again and slipped his hand between mine. "Tap your finger against my hand if you're awake," he spoke rather quickly. As if on que, I tapped his hand two times.

"Tap once if you're angry with me so you don't speak. Tap twice if you're too weak to talk. Tap three times if both." Yes, indeed, he was smirking again. I had managed to tap his hand twice before Ella burst in. Before Louis pulled his hand away, I tapped it once more to make sure it was still three.

"Is she awake?" Ella asked quickly and sat next to me.

"Yeah, watch," Louis spoke and took my hand again. "Tap once if you hate me, twice if you despise me and three times if you love me." Okay, he was getting way too cocky. I tapped his hand twice and he pulled away.

"Okay, she's awake and despises me," Louis spoke with a fun edge to his tone. He exited soon after.

The rest of the night, Ella took good care of me and kept an eye on me. I could sleep after taking some medication and some random tests she did, but other wise, she was always looking after me or if she had to go, like cook food for the rest of the boys, someone stayed with me.

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