Chapter 5

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"Alright. Do you think this is all, Ariana?" Niall asked, holding up the four bags. I nodded slowly and just looked around. I was in the mall with Niall babysitting me. Easy enough.

"Can we go eat? I'm starving?" I begged, eyeing the crowded food court in the center of the mall. I knew Niall loved food since Ella told me what a pain it was to cook for him all the time, but she loved him. Niall stared at it and I already saw him picturing himself pigging out on those fries.

He luckily gave in and we went down to the court. Luckily the line was short but there were a lot of people all around. Niall was far too busy looking around to watch after me. 'Okay, Ariana. Run. Now.' I ordered myself. I took a deep breath and then pushed through the barrier that the people were making all around. I saw Niall approach the counter even more and then he was lost by the wall separating us.

I just kept running. Down the streets, through the parks and until I was in the old familiar warehouse.

*Niall's POV*

I tapped my finnger against the counter impatiently and stared at the menu stretched across the wall over the counter. "Fries sound good. What do you want, Ariana?"

I spun around myself but didn't notice the blue haired girl anywhere. Shit. I grabbed the bags and ran out of the mall. I threw the shopping bags in the back of the van and took off towards the little shabby store on the outskirts of London, where I knew Louis and Liam were at.

"Niall! You left Ariana alone?" Liam gasped when I walked in. That earned Louis' attention and he looked up from the guy he had a knife pressed on.

"She ran away. I have no idea where she could be," I spoke hurriedly. Louis turned first pale white and then red with anger.

"That girl is gonna be sorry she even thought about leaving. She's mine," Louis growled and then dropped the knife and hurried out. Saying me and Liam were shocked was too simple.

Louis never left anyone alive when he tortured them and now this man who was bleading, was alive and he ran out. We didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing but we did know that he didn't think before he acted. He drove off, leaving us behind and we exchanged worried clances.

"Kil him," I whispered and Liam raised his gun, before the quiet shot, made the man fall on the ground. We cleaned up and collected all evidence that would point at Louis or any of us.

*Louis' POV*

I gripped the steering wheel tightly and glared at the road ahead of me. Ariana was mine and she was gonna learn that she can never ever disobey me like that, ever again. My knuckles were turning white the harder I gripped on the steering wheel. Nothing fazed me anymore.

The phone rang for the 5th time I had gotten in the car so I finally answered.

"Louis, where the fuck are you?" Zayn snarled into the microphone.

"Don't start with me, Zayn. I'm gonna bring her back to me!" I answered.

"I know. Just listen to me. You're acting unrationally. Eric called me asking if you let the girl go. I said no and he said he knew where she was. He is bringing her back here right now."

I turned the car around sharply, even the cars that were with me on the road were surprised and some even drove off the road.

"Lock her in her room. I'm coming back," I snapped and ended the call. Ohh, Ariana. You are gonna be sorry when I get to you.

*Ariana's POV*

"No! Please, don't. He'll kill me," I cried, trying to fight the built man, who was holding me up by my hair. But like I said, he was built. I had no chance against him!

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