Chapter 2: Rock

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The first thing the two kits saw when they opened there eye was Pool and Rock of course, but Flame saw Rock first. She already knew his voice. All the other kit mother's were around when they opened their eyes. Rock was very surprised when he saw bright green eyes staring back at him. Not that they were uncommon, but neither Pool or Rock had green eyes. So it was understandable why Pebble had brown eyes, but why did Flame have green?

As he was cuddling the kits a few days later and he told them all about tribe life. How prey hunters eat first and that sort of thing. He also told them how names work in the Tribe. You get a full one, but everyone just calls you by the first word in it. "Whats your full names" asked Pebble. " Well I am Rock that mountain is" said Rock " and your mother is Pool below waterfall." Suddenly Flame asked "are eagles always on fire?" Pool was very surprised to hear this"What do you mean darling?" In a confused manner Flame replied "because my name is Flame on eagles feathers so do eagles fly around on fire." Rock and Pool chuckled "no sweetie" replied Pool "eagle's wings look like that when they fly in the sun." Without waiting for Flame to reply Pebble said "what will our jobs be, has StoneTeller told you?" Rock looked at them with lots of love in his heart and said "of course he told me when you were born"

After telling them Flame would be a prey hunter and Pebble would be a cave guard both kits asked what Pool and Rock was. "Well" replied Pool "I am a prey hunter and your father is a cave guard" "Yay! I can train with Daddy!" Said Pebble. "And I get to catch all of your food with mom!" Flame said even louder. At the same moment StoneTeller walked up to them. " I see the kits the growing nicely" he purred. Then he looked more seriously at Rock " we need to have a telling today" he paused for a moment " I was going to have one the day after they were born, but we have been to busy." Both kits looked confused " Whats that?" both kits asked at once. StoneTeller Was the one that replied though "Its when we all gather while I look at puddles in the cave of pointed stones" Both kits were still confused so he continued " and the Tribe Of Endless Hunting shows me omens and other stuff." Both kits looked like they understood the name of theit ancestors so he went to call the other cats together, but before he could a prey hunter named Rain rushed in and said there was a fire and the other prey hunters are stuck in it. With out any orders the cave guards stood up and ran out of the cave. "Whats happening?" asked Flame with a worried look in her eyes.

"Your father and the other cave guards are going to go put out a fire" she took a moment to put a smile on her face "Lightning probably caused it, it has been seeming like it will rain." They heard some one yell outside. Pool asked another kit mother to watch her kits "now you stay here i will be right back" Pool said to the kits. She heard more yowling so Pool and a few more prey hunters rushed out of the cave.

Star told the two kits to come play with her kits to distract them. As the kits played they heard a few yowls, but they thought nothing of it. After a while the kits got tired and fell asleep. They awoke to their mother crying and hugging them close to her body. Pebble who must of been awake before Flame Asked "were is dad?" That made Pool cry more and Flame realized he must still be putting out the fire, but when she was about to tell Pebble her mother said "H-he won't come back my kits he got lost in the F-fire." They went silent and pressed themselves against their mother.

The next day Pool told them how brave Rock had been. He had saved a fellow cave guard's life when he died. They found his body, it wasn't burnt so they guessed he breathed in to much smoke. They sat vigil that night with his body and buried him the next morning.


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