
46 12 10

Songs I listen to
on a sad day:
(Mostly Rock)

1. Misery Business

*2. I'm Just a Kid
Simple Plan

3. Low
Sleeping with Sirens

*4. Good Riddance
Green Day

*5. S.O.S.
Good Charlotte

{A/N: More songs to come 😊
The songs with "*" means
I recommend listening
to it bc its <3 but I still
like all the others.
Just check out S.O.S. by Good
Charlotte there :0 it was
such a coincidence that
it was #5. Is this a sign?
Jk X3

 Is this a sign?Jk X3

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I mean, bruh, look. (Don't mind
le writing.) Anyway bye.
I'm annoyingly fab. Jk again.
Bye now before I keep
talking unnecessarily.}


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