First Day

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I slammed my car door shut and walked through the parking lot that led to hell or some people may call it school. It was the first day of my senior year, even though this was my last year in high school I dreaded every day and every second of it.

"Hey Emily!!" I heard my best friend Lindsey yell from behind me. She was practically my only friend at school because I was never the type of person who wasn't socially active and Lindsey wasn't really either so we were the perfect match.

"He-" I started to yell back until she engulfed me into a hug.

"I've missed you so much" she says as she hugs me tighter.

"But I seen you yesterday" I said and pushed her away.

"I was just trying to be a loving best friend you bitch" she said then pushed my shoulder back. We both started busting out laughing then continued walking toward the school since our first class started in 15 minutes. As we got into the school we walked through the halls flooded with familiar faces that we weren't really happy to see. Everyone in my school was stuck up little twats. As we make it to our lockers I hear a lot of girls talking about some new teacher.

"who's this new teacher everyone is talking about?" I say to Lindsey as I unlock my locker

"Mr. Tomlinson? He supposedly the new 12th grade English teacher. I've never seen him before but everyone is saying he's really hot." She replies

"I swear girls at this school were such whores, but what happened to Mr. Ford?" I ask.

"Rumor has it that he was caught selling drugs to some students or something"

We both laugh and head to the front office to pick up our schedules. Once we get there and receive our schedules we compare and to find out we have all classes together. It's not really a surprise because every year we usually get all classes together, I don't really know how it works but I'm glad it does cause like I said Lindsey is my only true friend, I would be like a lost puppy without her. I continued to look at my classes for this semester and sure enough my first class is Mr. Tomlinson AP English 12. Class started in 5 minutes so we headed up to class room C101. On our way up there I see a bunch of girls giggling. I'm guessing they are talking about Mr. Tomlinson. Girls here are such idiots it makes me want to punch them in the face. Me and Lindsey walk into the classroom and we both grab a seat in the back of the room. As we pick our seat the bell rings and a man walks in and closes the door. He wasn't very tall, he has longish brown hair and he was dressed in dress pants and a white button down shirt with the top 3 buttons unbuttoned, which was rather unprofessional but very appealing. Lindsey looks at me a mouths 'wow' I smile at her and look back toward Mr. Tomlinson.

"Hello class, My name is Mr. Tomlinson" he says and smiles.

"Hi Mr. Tomlinson" all the girls say at once and you can hear all the boys in the room snicker. You could tell that Mr. Tomlinson loved all the female attention.

"Well as you know I'm your English 12 teacher, and in this class we will be learning all about proper grammar and reading a couple novels but before we do all that I want us to get to know each other better. So we are going to play a game, we are going to go around the room and each of you are going to tell me a fact about yourself and maybe if we will have time I'll let you guys ask me some questions." He says then says for the first person to go. Eventually we get to the last person which is me.

"Okay.. The last person but certainty not least," he grabs his clipboard with all the students name on it and says "Emily Stone"

I stand up and say something that I really didn't mean to say, I meant to keep it in my head. "I'm Emily, and I don't want to be here" I sit down quickly shocked in what I just said.

"Why is that?" He replies

I lift my head up slowly and say another thing I regret, "I hate English."

"Well maybe I can make you like it" he comments.

"I highly doubt that." I say under my breathe thinking that he wouldn't hear.

"Well if you think that why don't you stay after today and tell me all about your hatred for me and this class" he says in a smart ass way.

I roll my eyes at him then he continues teaching. After what felt like forever the bell rang and I grabbed my books and hurried out the class but before I got out the door Mr. Tomlinson grabs my upper arm firmly and says

"Don't forget about after school" I roll my eyes again and jerk myself out of his grasp.

I walk out and Lindsey rushes to me.

"What the hell was that Em!" She yells.

"I don't know what came over me but there's something about him and how everyone is in love with him that really pisses me off." I reply

She just punches me in the shoulder and we continue to our next class. The whole day I just keep thinking about Mr. Tomlinson, I don't really know why because I hate the guy but I couldn't get him off my mind. Eventually it was the end of the first day and I had to go up to Mr. Tomlinson's for my after school

"Good luck, text me later" Lindsey says as I enter Mr. Tomlinson's classroom.

I walk in and he was sitting at his desk working on some paper work. I clear my throat so he would notice I was here.

"Oh, hello Emily," He says with a evil smile as he gets up and closes the door. "Sit down, let's talk"

I did as he said and picked a random desk. He follows me and sat on top of the desk in front of me and faced me.

"I don't really like your attitude toward me and this class" he says

"Well I'm sorry" I sass him.

"No you're not" he says as he gets close to me.

He was making me feel uncomfortable so I got up quickly, "I have to go." I say and make my way to the door. He grabs my arm and spins me toward him. Our torsos were touching and our faces were inches away.

"I just want you to like me Emily." He says in a husky tone.

I somehow get out of his hold and run out of the classroom and out of the school. So many thoughts were going through my head. My body was shaking from his touch, I had chills on my body from his breath that hit my skin.

What the hell just happened?

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