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"I...I...Have to go.." I say nervously as I make my way to the door of his office.

"No, Emily.. Wait--"

before he could finish what he was saying I ran out his office and out the door of the classroom. What the hell did I just do? I know what I just did, I fucking just kissed my English teacher. And that's not the craziest part of it... I could swear he was kissing back.. All of these thoughts were running through my mind as I eventually made it to my car. I got in and tried to not think about what just happened. All of a sudden I hear my phone ring. I look over to my phone to see Lindsey's name. Great, I know shes going to ask about detention and that means I'm going to have to tell her.. or should I? I eventually grabbed my phone and answered it.

"Hello.." I answered.

"Hey Em! You okay?" she replied.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired. Had a long day."

"Speaking of today...How was detention?!?" She asked

Of course, I knew she would. I paused for a while because I honestly didn't know what to tell her. She was my bestfriend and I have never lied to her, but this is a big secret and It's my senior year and I don't want it getting around school. Not like I would think Lindsey would do such a thing but just to be sure I don't think I'm going to tell her.

"Em?? You there?" She asked breaking my train of thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm really tired like I said, so I'm a bit out of it," I laughed. "but detention was really boring, I just sat there while Mr. Tomlinson graded some papers. Ya know the usual detention session."

"but this isn't a usual detention Emily!! Mr. Tomlinson is such a hottie!" she exclaimed.

I laughed, "Whatever Lindsey, you are so boy crazy."

"You're so right" she laughed, "Well, I'll see you tomorrow em. Love you. Bye!"

I hung up the phone and threw my phone back into my purse. By this time I have arrived at home. When I did I saw that my mom wasn't home. Which wasnt a surprise, she was probably out partying with her boyfriend. I locked up my car and went inside my house. I walked up the stairs and went in my room. I slammed the door and threw my bookbag on the floor and jumped into bed. I decided to go to sleep early because It's been a heck of a day and honestly I felt a little sick.

Who knew senior year would be this difficult? I thought to myself as I fell asleep.


I slapped my alarm clock. I groaned and rolled over. Why does school have to be so early. I don't even want to go, mainly because I don't want to have awkward contact with Mr. Tomlinson. I forced myself to my closet and grabbed a high wasted floral printed skirt and a plain white crop top. I then went to the bathroom and straighted my hair and brushed my teeth. After I was done, I grabbed my bookbag and made my way out of my house. I got in my car and drove to school. When I arrived I practically dragged myself to Mr. Tomlinson's classroom. When I got in there Mr. Tomlinson was in his office so he probably didn't see me walk in. Lindsey was already in the back of the room where our seats were. She noticed me and smiled and waved. I smiled slightly and made my way to her. I sat down a looked straight ahead. I still wasn't feeling that great but I think it's because I'm nervous.

"You ok?" Lindsey asked as she rubbed my back.

"Yeah, I just feel kind of sick"

"Whats feelin--" she started to say before Mr. Tomlinson cut her off.

"Okay, Hello class! Today we are going to learn simple grammar so you know how to write your book report properly.." He continued to say for the rest of the class.

I kept my eyes pointed down so I could avoid looking at him. I would occasionally look up and when I did Mr. Tomlinsons eyes were fixed on me, and when I would catch his gaze I would quickly look down to try to avoid it again. Time passed and the bell rang and class was over.

"Hey Em, I can't walk with you to second cause I have to leave early for a Doctors appt. I hope you feel better, Call me later." She said and exited the classroom. I quickly gathered my stuff. As I was doing this I still had my eyes facing down because I knew I was the last one in here, like always. All of a sudden I felt a large hand on my back. I gasped and turned around to see Mr. Tomlinson.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I-I just wanted to see if you were okay. You seamed pretty out of it today in class." He nervously asked concerned.

"I'm fine." I said quickly and avoiding eye contact. I grabbed my stuff and left the classroom before he could say anything else.

The rest of the day was a drag. Especially becuase Lindsey was gone and I didn't have anyone to talk to, and because my whole mind was filled with thoughts about Mr. Tomlinson, I seriously couldn't stop thinking about him and I hated that he was turning my world upside down like this and I couldn't understand why. It felt like forever but eventually the school day was over. I quickly left my fourth period and made my way to my car. As I got to my car and was about to lock it, I heard footsteps coming from behind me. I slightly turned and saw that it was the one and only Mr. Tomlinson of course.

"Hey Emily! I've been thinking about the book you picked for your book report and you can't do that one because several other students are doing that one."

"But I don't really have any other books I'd like to do." I said.

"Well actually I was thinking that I could help you with that" he said and smirked.

My cheeks started to flush but I looked down so he wouldn't notice. "Alright" I said and I began to walk back to the school. Before I got to far away I felt him grab my arm. I looked back at him in confusion.

"Actually, All teachers and students have to leave the school early due to the fact that the janiors have to do a major cleaning." he said looking straight into my eyes,

"Oh.. so what are we going to do?" I asked still confused.

"I was thinking we could go back to my apartment?" he asked

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