Detention 2.0

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Ugh, 6:30 already? I slowly sit up in my bed and strech my arms out. My second day of school and I already want to die. I some how manage to get myself fully up and out of bed. I walk to my closet and pick out my outfit for the day. A flowy floral print tank top with a grey cardigan over top and a pair of dark washed out skinny jeans. I slowly make myself to the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my hair. My hair has natural waves so I just threw it up in a lose pony tail with my bangs out. After I was done I grabbed my backpack and ran down the stairs. My mom was sleeping on the couch downstairs.

"Bye Mom, I'm going to do crack cocain and drop out of school!" I say sarcastically.

She groans and rolls over so I just leave the house. I get into my car and head to Lindsey's house. I usually pick her up on Tuesdays cause her dad works an early shift and needs her car. I shortly arrive at her house and beep my horn. Seconds later I see her rushing out the door because school is going to start in about 5 minutes and we're obviously going to be late. Senior year, yolo right. As soon as she gets in I hit the gas to try and make it so we arent that late at least.

"So em.." she says


"You never told me about this detention thing with Mr. Mc Hottie."

"Oh, well I just could'nt stay for it yesterday and Louis to-"

she interupped me, "Louis?? So you guys go by first names, huh?" she teases.

Not even noticing I said his first name I tried to play it off. "Oh no, I just looked at his teacher badge and saw that was his name."

"Mmmmhhhmmm, I'm sure that's how you know." she says with a big smirk on her face.

We arrive at school, 5 minutes late. Lindsey and I both grab out backpacks and run to the school. When we get in, we go sign in the front office and all the pointless shit schools make you do when you're late and then headed to out first period. Which of course is Mr. Tomlinson's. We walk up to his classroom and of course the door is shut so that means we have to knock, and I know you know that awkward moment when you're late for class and when you arrive everyone stares at you like you're fucking alien from pluto or some shit and its just horrible. Well we knock and Mr. Tomlinson opens the door.

"Ah, Look who finally decided to show up." he smiled at us

"Yes, hello Mr. Ho--Tomlinson" Lindsey says trying to flirt. I dont say anything to him and just grab Lindsey by the collar of her shirt and drag her to our seats in the back of the room. Mr. Tomlinson shuts the door and continues to teach.

"Okay, so what I was saying is you guys have your first novel to read in this class! Yeah, I know all of you guys are just screaming with excitement but since its the first assignment ever in this class I'm going to be nice and let you pick any novel you want but it has to be school appropriate. Once you figure out which novel you're going to read you must come to my office and check it with me. Okay? Okay. You can have the rest of the class period finding the novel you would like."

I groan and place my head on the desk and look at Lindsey.

"I hate english." I moan.

"How could you with Hottie mc hot hot over there teaching it to you?" she says and winks.

"Can you just shut the hell up and stop talking about how hot he is, damn..." I say getting a little defensive. Why am I acting like this? Me and Lindsey never fight. I swear ever since I even looked at this man he's made my life turn completely upside down. Me and Lindsey talked the rest of the class period about what book each other was going to pick and I finally came to the conclusion that I was going to read "The Scarlett Letter" It was a typical book to read but I read it my 8th grade year and it wasn't all the painful to read so might as well. The bell finally rang to dismiss us to 2nd period. Lindsey was still kind of pissed at me because I snapped at her earlier so she left without me when she would of waited on my slow ass. I was always the last out of the class. As I was about to leave Mr. Tomlinson grabbed my arm.

"Don't forget about detention after school at 5,okay?

I nodded and preceeded to my next class. The rest of the day was pretty slow because Lindsey was still pretty short with me. Like I said before Lindsey and I never fought so It was weird not being able to talk to her. We are both pretty stubborn people so we both wouldn't talk to each other, but since I was the one who did the sassing I decided to just talk to her because it was driving me crazy.

"Hey Linds, I'm sorry about earlier. I'm just really stressed. Senior year, ya know." I whispered because we were in History but we had a sub today so it didnt really matter anyway.

She quietly laughed and looked over at me, "It's okay, so anyway forget about that. Are you ready for detention? You said it was going to be at 5 right?"

"Yeah" I replied.

"That means basically all the teachers and students will be gone. So you and him will basically be.. well.. alone..?"

"Uh, yeah... I guess... I didn't really think about that."

Then the bell ringed and it was the end of the day. My school let out at 3:30 so I still had a couple hours. I said goodbye to lindsey because she had soccer practice right after school. I didn't know where else to go so I just decided to go up to Mr. Tomlinson's room. As I arrived at his classroom, the door was already open so I just walked in and sat down and waited on Mr. Tomlinson to get out of his meeting. I decided to do some homework so that made the time fly past because before I knew it was 5. I closed my history book and put my homework away and seconds later I heard foot steps coming from down the hall. I looked up to see Mr. Tomlinson walk into the classroom and shut the door.

"Hello Emily! Ready for detention?"

"I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be." I laughed.

He went back to his desk to sit down and started flipping through papers. After moments of silence Mr. Tomlinson looked at me.

"So have you decided what novel you'd like to read?"

"Yeah, actually I have. I want to read The Scarlett Letter"

"Really? That is one of my favorite books. I actually have several copies of it in my office." He stands up and motions me to follow him to his office. His office was one of those offices that are enclosed and have a whole seperate door. It was like a small little box. We walked in and he closed the door. I ignored how weird that was. He walked to the bookcase he had in there and picked up a copy of the book and handed it to me. I must've been nervous because it slipped right out of my hands. We both bent down to get it and bumped heads. I couldn't help to laugh but as soon as I stopped I noticed our faces were inches apart. Both of our eyes were locked on each others. My lip began to quiver and I did something I soon regretted. I slowly leaned in and kissed him. Our lips began to move in an synchronizing motion. His hands slowly rubbed my arm and then caressed my cheek. Moments later I pulled away and slowly opened my eyes. His face was flushed.

"Mr. Tomlinson...I...I"

"It's Louis....Call me Louis."

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