What The Hell?

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As soon as I left the front doors of my school, I ran to the senior parking lot. I was almost at my car and I was struggling to find my keys in my damn messy ass purse. My hands were trembling and my heart was beating faster than ever. As I arrived at my car I got so pissed that I couldn't find my keys and threw my purse on the ground. I sat beside my car with my hands covering my face. Why was I getting all worked up about this guy...? I mean... My teacher.... He's my teacher! Why did this effect me so much? All these thoughts were racing through my mind when I heard a familar voice come from above me. I looked up to see no other but the Devil himself, Mr. Tomlinson. 

"What's wrong dear? Car problems?" he looked down at me with a slight smirk. 

"No, I...I just got really upset because I couldn't find my keys in my purse... and I...just had to take a breath for a second." I looked at him and kind of laughed. 

He looked at me in slight confusion and kneeled down to me and grabbed my purse, "May I?" 

I nodded and he rummaged through my purse for a little but seconds later her pulled out my keys and looked at me with a huge grin. "See, wasnt that hard to find" 

I laughed and snatched the keys from him and we both got up. I slightly stumbled getting up because my head was still slightly spinning. He grabbed me and placed his hands below the arch of my back. For some odd reason I felt warm and safe for a second but I snapped out of it and got away from his hold. HE'S YOUR TEACHER EMILY GOD DAMMIT. I could fell my cheeks rush with warmth. What was happening to me? Did I like him? My teacher? No, No. No way! I couldn't... Right? He stepped a couple steps away from me and slightly turned

"See you tomorrow, Emily." He said. 

I didn't reply and started to get in my car as I watched Mr. Tomlinson walk to his, when I was about to shut my car door, I saw him turn around. I lifted my head to look at him.

"Hey Emily!" He yelled since we were half across the parking lot from each other. 

"Yes Mr. Tomlinson?" I questioned. 

"You owe me a dentention tomorrow." He laughed loudly and continued to his car.

I then fully got into my car and lightly muttered to myself "Whatta ass..". Even though I was mad I had dentention tomorrow, a part of me was slightly happy and I couldn't figure out why.


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