1 ~ Slut

16 4 3

"You're a prostitute, a slut, a little good for nothing. Don't you dare come and ask me for such a thing ever again!"

The words rang in my ear. When most people say the words rang it's different. The sounds she blared out of her mouth got trapped in my ear and were repeating themselves at a dangerously high level in my mind.

She was right though. I was a slut, a Prozzie. A member of a group of young girls that slept with men for an ever increasing amount of money.

All I could do was sit in the corner of the room, blood spilling with my tears, and my arms strapped round my knees as I pulled them in tight towards my chest . The dusty maroon carpet was seeping out fluff at my face and that wasn't helping my never ending sobbing.

Mrs.Whickmann, towering tall above me, had used the old book to knock me at the ground. She had been succesful with that swing, perhaps a little too successful as the book hit right above my left eye and caused the mixture of creamy blood to spill.

I was helpless , sitting on the ground like an injured animal that couldn't do anything but accept faith.

But I wasn't an animal though, I knew I wasn't. I was a young beautiful girl with hazel brown waves. I had deep brown eyes that surprisingly went well with my peachy face. Lips at a light pink and an overall cute face.

Those were the kind words my father spoke to me. The words he said as he lay down on a hospital bed, multiple wires attached to different places. The gentle words he tried to get out before the horrid machine made an everlasting beep noise, and my dear father was gone.

Everything collapsed after that. My mom, in search for money, got stirred in with the completely wrong gang of people. Soon enough our house was on an eviction notice, and they might have just nailed that note to my heart instead.

I watched as the man handed my mom money. From behind the fridge I could see him, almost as if in slow motion, placing an incredibly large wad of cash in my moms wrinkled hand.

Horrified, the man swooped himself over at me, neatly dodging or old worn couch.

He snatched at my wrist and secured it with a strong grip. Soon everything was black and only the sounds of cars and eventually alcohol could be identified.

A few months later, here I am. In the corner of Mrs.Whickmann's office, whimpering like a dog.

"Get up now, dirty girl", she said briskly. She had regained her posture and locked her black hair behind her ear.

I pushed my left arm against the wooden floor in an attempt to push myself up. I rushed my fingure through my hair and stated firstly into the soul of the horrible woman I front of me.

"Now you listen here!" she warned, raising a bony fingure at me and pointing it directly at my forehead.

"You don't dare to come here asking me if you can leave this place ever again. Understood?"

I was strook for a moment. My legs were glued down to the ugly looking carpet. Unfortuantley the ground did'nt look like it wanted to swallow me any time soon.

My hands were also glued down by my sides and a horrible odour was soaring out of my hoodie, making me scrunch up my nose.

"Do you understand what I've just said Lailah? And don't make that face at me!" My thoughts about my clothes were snapped when the old woman's voice boomed at me again.

I hurridly nodded and scampered out of the room like a rabbit caught by the sight of a hunter.

I looked down at the bottom of the black marble stairs and the clock also gribbed my eye.


It was nearly time for my shift.

I turned on my heel and made a way for my room. A bunch of thoughts couldn't help but stalk my mind like ghosts.

How could such a lady be so cruel.

She was so going to kill me sooner or later

And if I escaped she would defin-

I was abruptly snapped out of my thouhts by a cold hands touch.

My dear Austin would surely understand my point of veiw.

He allowed a smirk to sneak up on his lips as he threw me an old waist apron.

"You look li- Oh my God! What happened to your head!", he screamed, using one hand to slightly cover his mouth, the other pointing at my wound like a hopeless teenage girl.

"I was going to come and tell you that your shift is starting. Let me help you"

He said the last part quietly as he produced a grubby wipe from his pocket, dabbing my cut with it gently.

He was careful not to press on it too hard as I knew my weak self couldn't handle the pain.

He looked at me pleasingly, and I stated back in grattitude as ha slowly lowered the cloth.

Austin had always been there for me. Right form the beginning, which is why I loved him so.

Without knowing the words slipt out of my mouth.

"Thank you."

He nodded his head in swiftness. Our mode of staring was fun. I wanted to stare into those green eyes all day. I wasn't in love with him. I just admired his courage. His joy. His life.
I admired and envied everything he had that I didn't.

My session of want was cut short when Mrs.Whickmann burst out her door up the corridor. The last thing I wanted as to hear her annoying voice.

"Well," she boomed. "Don't just stand there. I expected more of Austin that to loiter." She said it in such a light voice, it made me sick.

Then she met my gaze and her happy mode dropped.

"And you," she hissed, pointing that same bony fingure towards my head. "I don't want to have to encounter you again."

She turned on her heels and slipped herself down the stairs.

"What was all that about?" Austin questioned, turning back to me.

I shrugged innocently and continued my journey back to my room.


Hey guyzzzz!!!
Ok before you comment how crap this first chapter was, I ALREADY KNOW.
I'm really sorry about the bad start but this is the kind of story that has to have.........flow.
Get what I mean???
So I just had to pop it out quickly and hope the rest would follow on well
sounds like I was explaining quadruplet birth )
Also sorry for the short chapter, they'll gradually get longer, but as I said this story has to flow and I just had to kick it off.

Bear with me and keep on reading please.


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