5 - Staying For Dinner

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Lailah Woods

I took the last step and was then at the top floor of this house. I looked to my right where my room was supposedly situated. It was like a small hallway, not really that long. There were two rooms one of the right and the other a little further down, by the left.

"First on the right!" I recall his cheerful words rang in my mind. I placed my hand on the metal handle and pushed it down, opening the door. The room before me was beautiful, to simply put it. The theme color was light blue and cream, occasionally small patches of light green.

The first thing that caught my eye was a huge king sized bed with a gold frame. At the Dollhouse, I only had a normal double bed that was already worn out as it was. When I still lived with my mom I had a single bed that was broken and worn too. But this bed was immaculately perfect. The cream colored sheet was freshly made and the pillows plumped flawlessly, almost as if he was expecting me this whole time.

I found my feet taking me to the bed. I allowed my hands to trace over the cotton material. The ends of the pillow and the duvet were black of fluff and the rest was a doodle white and red pattern.

I perched myself just beside the pillow and admired the room. I saw a huge black wood wardrobe next to the door. I hadn't noticed it on my way in but there was really no way you could miss it. Next to that was a Long and wide mirror that was surrounded by pink lights. Yep, he was definitely expecting me. I got up off the bed allowed myself to skip to the window. It was huge, almost as big as the other walls of the room. To open it you had a sliding glass door. I grabbed the gold handle and used my might to pull it across. As I walked onto the wooden floor balcony, a night sky city was awaiting me. I had a view of all the buildings lights, all the street lights and all the neon signs of the fast-food chains.

It was a glow in the sea of darkness. I rested my elbows lazily against the glass balcony fencing and admired the beauty of the town for a while. My mind was mesmerized at the outside world. The last hour, I had never actually taken in that this was my privilege, I was actually out of the dollhouse, for the first time in 4 years. I didn't have ti go back, I didn't need to come back. Everything I needed was right here, that was what my mind was telling me, my heart refused to believe it. My heart reminded me of all the times I was let down with life, all the times it had turned its back on me and closed the door.

"You like the view?!" I jumped so much at the sound of someone's voice so close to me that in stumbled back and lost my grip because I wasn't wearing shoes. He caught me though. His blonde hair was touching my forehead, as his hands gripped onto my waist and pulled me back up.

"Jeez, you oughtta be more careful, especially on the balcony!" he said, taking another heavy gulp of another glass of water.

"What do you want!?" I screamed at him, backing away from him slowly. I wasn't even too sure why I was acting like this, it just felt appropriate

"God, you wouldn't think someone you invited into your lovely home, would be so rude to you!" he said, slowly progressing with the anger in his tone. I was becoming a little more wise with my words now, I had faced situations like this too many times before.

"Sorry," I whispered quietly trying to pout softly. He looked at me, eyebrow raised. He wasn't buying it.

I attempted to just walk straight past him, but he was blocking my way and wasn't even trying to move.

"You aren't going to sleep, are you?" he questioned, his whole body weight was shifted on the sliding door.

"Obviously! Now please move!" I yelled, elbowing him accurately and strongly in his side. He howled over in pain and dropped the glass of water, causing it to smash into smithereens. 

I was free no to hop into the bed, but I just looked at him, wincing in pain. My heart couldn't help but feel a little bit guilty. I knew that wasn't necessary.

"Sorry," I murmured quietly, bowing down to pick up the pieces of glass that had smashed. Someone was finally being nice to me, and of course, I had messed it up. I then began to ponder. If I eventually managed to escape this house or if he eventually let me out, where would I go? Where the heck was this place exactly anyways? If I didn't co-operate, sooner or later whatever plans this man had for me were going to be of no regard and he would just throw me out. Or take me back to the Dollhouse.

I picked up each piece of glass discreetly and by the time I had each bit clasped in my sweaty palm he was already back up, arm clenching his side.

"I'm so sorr-" I began.

"I know!" He whined, clearly still a little hurt. "Just get downstairs for dinner!" It sounded like he was having trouble getting each word out, like his breathing only lasted seconds per sentence.

"Dinner?" I questioned as if I never fully understood the meaning of the word. I watched as he stood up straight and looked me up and down, clearly not having any more of my sass.

"Yes, dinner! The food you eat in the evening!" he remarked sarcastically. "You'll wear the pajamas I've got for you in your wardrobe, then you'll join me and Mia downstairs. You will not go to bed until I say so. Am I clear?!"

I didn't want to spend time pondering on what he meant, or who Mia was, or maybe I didn't care, was too confused to care. I was certainly too tired for drama, so hopefully, whatever ridiculous situation this was would disappear and all be a dream when I woke up. But something was telling me it wasn't.

I nodded at him and he replied with an eye roll. And left without another single word, slamming the door behind him.

Before I walked over to the wardrobe I slid the glass door over, closing over the balcony. My feet were beginning to get terribly cold, so I hoped he had left some socks in there. I opened the doors of the cupboard and was certainly shocked. It was a lot more full than the wardrobe at the dollhouse. 

I picked one hanger of the line and gently let my fingers run over the neckline. It was a dark blue and white romper. I had never owned one, but I always saw the other girls hanging with them around the house, girls whose parents were loaded and would send them things. I smiled, hoping eventually this was for me. I put it back on the rack and randomly selected something else. The next thing I picked out was a black and red turtleneck, and I thought it was beautiful. Running my eyes around the others, I noticed all this material was of very expensive brands. I, again, had never in my life had anything so lovely. The dresses I did have were only cheap items I received from Mrs.Whickmann at the start; when she actually nice to be around. 

My eyes caught sight of a pile of clothes, folded neatly, sitting at the bottom of the wardrobe. I was definitely expecting it to be lingerie, bold red or black. But it wasn't, it was actually quite dainty and adorable. It had was a fluffy cotton-made top that was light pink and a small quite bunny sewn in on it. The bunny had a blue bow in its hair and seemed very happy, with its eyes closed and its buck teeth hanging out, head tilted to the side.  A little like me, so long ago I almost can't remember. Then things went wrong.

I chose not to think about the past's horrors and to put the pajamas on. I pulled off my top and slipped this one on and shockingly it fit perfectly. The bottoms were similar. It had the same happy bunny but was printed a lot more, all over the place. I walked over to the mirror and could not help note how cheesy I looked. I wasn't bothered though and threw my hair into a simple ponytail. 

I guess this wasn't so bad. Maybe I'd be staying around for dinner.

I hope you didn't find this chapter too bad. I have my exams coming up and I haven't studied properly once, so my brain is upside-down.

My heart is honestly breaking right now for the people of Manchester. My love to everyone affected.

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