Good Luck Dying!

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  • Dedicated to Colleen when she is angry

Ainsley didn't even have to listen to Chiron, she took Ashley under one arm and Claire under the other and steered them towards the Big House. She had a feeling that Chiron would want to include her in this particular discussion.

When she walked out of the pavilion, Ainsley took a look at each girls' face. Under her left arm, Ashley looked pleasantly surprised, with a look that said my mother is the Queen of the Gods, therefore I am ever so important. Under her right arm, Claire seemed calm yet worried, as if she knew it all along but was afraid of the consequences. 

When they reached the Big House, Ainsley took them into the room where she had been the night before and shoved them into chairs. Ainsley grabbed a cushion and plopped down next to the fire. Chiron entered a few seconds into the awkward silence. 

"Before we begin, I promise to try my best not to get you killed," said Chiron with a solemn look on his face.

"What do you mean?" Asked Ainsley.

"Olympus has scheduled and Iris Message with us in precisely five minutes time, but until then I must discuss matters with you."

He looked each one of them in the eye, sending shivers up their spines.

"In all of my thousands of years of teaching, I have never encountered a situation quite like this,"  began Chiron. "You have probably all figured out right now that you were all never meant to be born. The mere fact that your godly mothers have not ceased to exist is curious."

It was silent for a few seconds before Claire spoke up.

"They want something from us, don't they?" She began. "They Olympians won't be allowed to kill us directly, but they'll send us on a quest to make sure we die."

Chiron nodded in sad agreement. Ainsley and Claire grimaced while Ashley still had a smirk on her face.

"Be careful, children," began Chiron. "Arguing with the gods is not wise. I suggest you agree to their terms and try your best."

As soon as he finshed, a hazy image appeared in front of them as if projected on a cloud. As it focused, Ainsley saw twelve figured sitting in a U shape upon assorted thrones. With as start, Ainsley realized that she must be looking at Olympus.

"I expect that you all know what you have done," began the man in the middle. Apparently, the gods waited for no introductions.

The three girls nodded hastily. 

"We will ignore the question of why you were born and go on to more pressing matters, such as your punishment ," the man continued.

 Ainsley looked at Claire, who had her eyes narrowed. She knew enough about Claire to realise if this wasn't a god, Claire would have argued her innocence.

A woman next to the man spoke up.

"Zeus, honey. Don't you think that we could let this slide this one-" 

"No, Hera. I have forgiven you for this breach of our marriage, but these... children, must not get away scot-free!"  The man slammed the giant lightning bolt on the ground. Ainsley heard thunder rumble in the sky and then a bolt of lightning came through the ceiling and hit the ground barely three feet from Ainsley. 

"Honey! Was that really necessary? I mean, you've had plenty of demigod children. Is it not reasonable that I have just one?"

A murmur of agreement swept through Olympus.

"Could I make a suggestion?' Asked a goddess.

"Yes, but make it quick, Athena. This matter hardly concerns you," said Zeus.

"Would it not be wise to send the children on a quest? Perhaps to the River Styx itself. If the children swore it themselves, it could be more binding than last time," said Athena.

The gods all nodded their heads, except for Zeus who was looking troubled. 

"Honey, please? Its reasonable. We don't have to do much and there is a very low probability that they will come back from this quest unscathed. There is even a chance that they might-"

"Yes, dear," Zeus said, cringing his teeth. "All in favour?"

Every god raised their hand. 

"It's settled then," began Zeus. "You will travel to the River Styx to reinstate this oath. You may bring as many as you want on this quest and you shall leave in two days' time."

With that the Iris Message disappeared. After a few seconds, Ainsley spoke up.

"Well at least we don't have to die. I mean a quest could be fun-"

"Ainsley!" Claire yelled. "The River Styx is in the Underworld! There is also the problem that you have been here for barely twenty four hours! You have zero training apart from what you did to get here! Monsters will also want to eat us more that anyone else because we probably taste better than anyone else!"

Claire collapsed onto her chair and looked over at Ashley.

"Well?" She asked. "Why are you still smiling Ms My-Mother-Is-Queen-Of -Olympus? You'll die too!"

Ashley's smile faded.

"I think that we should discuss this further in the morning. Also, think hard about who you want to bring on this quest. Zeus said you could bring as many as you want, so I shall assume that means that the law of three does not apply. Ashley, Claire, your cabins will be in the main row."

The two girls left with Claire slamming the door behind her. Ainsley remained behind for a few seconds before Chiron spoke.

"Ainsley, this quest will be dangerous," he said, looking into her eyes.

"Yeah I know that much," said Ainsley.

"I don't think you understand how serious this is. I don't want you sharing this with the others but if you even make it as far as the River Styx, there is no guarantee that making the vow will keep you alive. What I'm saying is, making the vow could kill you, Claire, and Ashley."

Ainsley's eyes widened. This would suck, travelling all that way to the River Styx but being unsure if you would survive the experience. her destination could be her final resting place.

"I would suggest getting some sleep, Ainsley," he said. "There will be a long day of meetings and training sessions ahead of you."

"Thanks, Chiron," Ainsley said shakily.

She got up from her chair and strode over to the door and opened and closed it softy. Ainsley decided against telling the others this terrible news, even Claire would be shaken by it. Ainsley alsocdecided that she didn't like the Big House much.

Actually, she didn't like it at all.

The Forbidden Children- A Heroes of Olympus/ Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now