You Are Now Departing the United States of Amurrica

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As Ainsley looked at the setting sun, she was trying not to dwell on the fact that she had been given almost full responsibility for this quest. They hadn't faced any danger yet, except for the small outburst of violence that decided who would get the shotgun seat, but Ainsley had a feeling that their luck was about to run short. This train of thought was brought to a screeching halt by Skylar's off pitch singing from the front seat.

"Hey I heard you were a wild one," she screeched loudly. "Oooooooooooooooh!"

The entire van winced, including Argus whose many, many eyes gave a collective blink.

"Distract her somehow!" Hissed Claire to Ainsley, who didn't see the point of being quiet. Skylar had begun to rap loudly.

"I'm trying!" Exclaimed Ainsley as she rummaged through her bag. Finally, she found what she was looking for.

"Skylar!" She called over the music. 

"What?" The blonde's hair whipped Argus in his many eyes as she turned around quickly.

"Sparkles." said Ainsley, tossing Skylar the phone in a sparkly case

The rest of the van turned to face Ainsley.

"Don't look at me like that!" She sighed, "Yes I got one for all of you."

Claire, Eli, and Tanya all cheered.

"For you," she said, handing Claire the phone with the silver case.

"For you," she handed Tanya the phone she had caught her eying earlier, the one that had a black case with colourful neon smiley faces.

Ainsley looked at Eli's phone, the one with "Minecraft" written on it in letters made of pixel-like blocks, then threw it right at his face.

"Ow!" He screamed in a plainly exaggerated voice. "That's sexist!"

Ainsley, Claire, and Skylar all threw their phones at him.

"Ha ha!" He said in his I'm-better-than-you voice. "I have your phones now and you will never get them back."

Never, it turns out, was actually more like thirty seconds. Tanya, who was sitting beside Eli, managed to wrestle all three phones away from him and throw them back to their original owners within that time.

Eli's grumpiness at being beat up by a girl continued all the way to the border. Ainsley was a bit worried about crossing the border. Wouldn't a white van driven by a many-eyed man containing six teenagers look a bit suspicious? She was very anxious during their ten minute wait in the lineup.

When they pulled up she nearly had a heart attack. Their border patrol officer was terrifying. He had a thick brown moustache and dark sunglasses. As she peeked inside his office through the open window she saw a him in a photo taken with two children and a slightly pudgy lady, who she assumed was his family, at a football game. There was nothing scarier to Ainsley than an extremely patriotic American manning the border.

"Well howdy doo," he said in a Texas accent, peering over his sunglasses at them. He apparently took no notice to Argus' many eyes. 

Argus reached his hand back a gestured at them to give him their passports. Everyone handed them to him. Ainsley had a small heart attack during the van ride when she thought that her passport was still at home in Edmonton, but she checked the front pocket in her backpack, and it was there. Her mother, it seemd, had thought of everything. 

The man, who's name tag read Officer Thomas, peered at each one of them as he examined the passport. After that, he began to ask Argus questions about what he was bringing across the border, why he was going, and other things that Ainsley was too lazy to remember. She did notice, however, that the guard didn't seem fazed by Argus' many eyes or his refusal to speak (according to Claire, he had an eye on his tongue.) 

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