I'm On a Boat

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"Hot! Hot!" Screamed Tanya as she reached for her water to dump it on her tongue, sighing with relief as it soothed her scorched taste buds.

"Chill, Tanya," Ainsley said, taking a tortilla chip and dipping it in the salsa. "It isn't that bad."

She put the chip in her mouth and chewed, looking straight at Tanya to prove her point.

"This Mexican food is too spicy!" Tanya complained.

"What did you expect?" Snapped Claire playfully. "We're in Los Angeles, this is real Mexican food."

"Also," said Skylar. "I'm going to be Captain State-the-Obvious here and point out that right on the front of the restaurant it says 'Tortilla Joe's: Spiciest Salsa North of the Border.'"

"Yeah, you probably should have seen that coming," snickered Ainsley as she took another chip.

"Salsa aside for the moment," began Claire, pushing the food away from the others so they were forced to focus on her instead. "What are we going to do now? We're here now, but was do we do? Do we just barge in to the and save the day?"

"No," said Ainsley thoughtfully, reaching over Tanya and Eli to grab another chip. "The sun is going down. I say we find some place to stay the night, then act in the morning."

"Exactly, maybe we'll get another weird dream that points us in the right direction," said Tanya.

"Or the wrong one," grumbled Eli to his Pepsi.

All of the girls simultaneously smacked Eli upside the face.

"Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine!" Spat Skylar.

"Yeah," Tanya joined her sister in the taunting. "Just because your ever-so private dream..."

"Which is absolutely none of your business!" Eli said quickly, the his pale face quickly turning the colour of the salsa.

Tanya continued with her most aggrivating knowing smile,"... was invaded by the Erotes doesn't mean that we can't rely on dreams."

As this conversation continued, Ainsley zoned out. There was more to dwell on than the strange mind and unconsious experiences of Eli Gudmanson. Things like her possible spontaneous combustion. Ainsley had nearly forgotten about that little glitch in the program that was the quest. Trying to reason with herself, she was able to decide upon a conclusion. It made no sense that she, Claire, and Ashley would explode when they took this oath. It referred to future events, not mistakes of the past. She almost had herself convinced.

Still, the idea of spontaneous combustion made her involuntaritly start sweating and foaming at the mouth. Ainsley imagined one of those Keep Calm and Carry On posters in her head. Yes, that was what she would do. Don't dwell on it, keep moving. 

"What do you think, Ainsley?" 

Ainsley was thrust out of her daydream and into the conversation by Tanya's question.

"Um, what?" She said intelligently.

"We were all just saying that we could stay the night at the Holiday Inn across the road," Tanya sighed, clearly exasparated at Ainsley's lack of attention.

Ainsley looked outside the restaurant window and clearly saw the Holiday Inn.

"I though we could stay at the motel next to it," Eli said indignantly. "It would be much cheaper."

Ainsley looked next to the large white building and saw a rather dilapidated old motel. The sign was so grungy and dirty that she couldn't read it.

"It looks..." Ainsley was searching for an adjective that wouldn't send Eli into a frenzy of grumpiness.

"Sketchy," Claire added. "I would really rather not stay there."

"I like all of my organs in my body and not on Amazon.com, thank you very much," Skylar chimed in.

The Forbidden Children- A Heroes of Olympus/ Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now