Chapter 3

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When I woke up, I could here the clicking of my mothers heels and the nervous taping of my brothers foot. "Uhg, What happened." I groaned, and closed my eyes. When I reopened them I  seen two very looking faces.

"How are you dear?" my foster mom asked.
"Oh, just peachy." I said sarcastically
"Yup, the same old Har is still in there." My brother said jokingly.
"Alek, this is no time to be joking around!" Our mother scolded him
"Hold up, what happened? All I remember is bumping into Knox then him chasing me, running out onto the practice field and that's it." I said with a huff sitting up.
"He freaking tackled you." Alek said angrily.
"Well when can I leave this shit hole?" I asked.
"Watch your tongue and you can leave when I'm done signing the papers. Your clothes are on the table." She said then left.


The ride home was uneventful and quite. Once the car was shut off I got out and walked inside slammed the door and stomped upstairs to my room. I slammed my bed room door and stripped down to my underwear and bra. Then walked over to my dresser and pulled out and old pair of Alek's old soccer ball sweat pants and slipped on a plain blue long sleeve shirt and through up my long blonde hair.


I laid down and tried to go to sleep but I couldn't, I've tossed and turned all night long. So I got up and put on a pair of shoes grabbed a jacket and left. I walked and walked and walked, until I got to the park. It was the park between the "bad" side of town and the "good" side of town. I walked over to the nicer swing sets and started to swing.

After about ten minutes I notice someone. He was just sitting there on the bench not to far away form me.  He looked over at me then looked away when he noticed me looking back at him. I ignored it and put my headphones in and played some soft music and continued to swing. After a while I decided to go back home. So I hopped off the swing and headed back in the direction I came from.

When I turned down my road I seen Jake and I "gang", and I got scared. So I put my hood up and lowered my head to look at the ground. "Hey! Hey you there!" Jake shouted I looked up at him as he and his posse started toward me. So I booked it. Damn, I really shouldn't run with a concoction. I thought as my vision started to go blurry.

I fell face first into the gravel of my drive way.  Jake walked up to me and snarled out a whicked  laugh and said "Where's you brother now?"
I spit in his face and said "I don't need him to save me." He wipped the bloody spit off his face and pulled his fist back and was about to his me in the face when mystery guy from the park came up behind him and gabbed his wrist. "Don't you dare hit her." he said and then bent Jake's wrist in a way wrist don't bend. I heard a sicking snap  while he howled out in pain.

Then he was gone. So I hurried up and ran onto the house. Only to be met by an angry Aleck.
"Where were you." He demanded.
"The park." I stated then darted up the stairs and into my bedroom.


Sorry it's short and that I haven't updated! I lost my charger and I was so busy with it being the holidays and having a big family does NOT help.

Xoxo~ Cinderella.

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