Chapter 13

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When Lunch hit I sat at my usual table and the rest of my friends filed in.

"Hey, Har." Jackson said.
"Hey, Jack." I answered, and just as he was about to reply someone sat next to me and kissed my cheek.
"Hey." Knox whispered in my ear. 
My face went crimson and I avoided the confused looks that sat upon Jackson and Airabelle's faces. As I glanced at Knox I smiled and replied with a quite hello.
"Are you not eating?" Knox asked.
"She hasn't ate much since she was released from the hospital. But I got you something to eat anyway." A gruff voice behind Knox and I said and I didn't have to look to know who it was. "Now leave my sister and the rest of us alone before I knock your face in." Alec said.
"Alec, leave Knox alone. And I'm not going to eat whatever you got me." I said then stood up and started to walk away. I pulled out my headphones and plugged them into my phone and turned on some music. As I walked down the corridors I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and bumped into something-- or should I say someone. I looked up and seen an unfamiliar face.

"Oh I am so sorry, I didn't see you."
"It's alright, love. Really." His deep baritone voice said.
I looked up to see a breath takingly handsome face. "Are you new here?"
He chuckled deeply before answering "Yes, could you please show me the way to the cafeteria?"
"Sure." I replied shrugging. As I turned I said "Follow me this way..."
"Kamp. Lucas Kamp" He filled in.
"Well Lucas, I'm Harmonee. Two E's instead of a Y." I replied and walked him to the cafeteria.


I was at home now, well I was at the new apartment Alec and I decided to get. I had just got done with putting the last of my clothes in my draws when the door bell rang. It was Lucas; he was coming over so I could show him around town.

"Hi." I breathed out as I opened the door. But then my face went from a bright smile to one of confusion.
"Hello Beautiful." Knox said as he started his way into my new apartment.
"Not that this isn't a great surprise, but why are you here?" I asked.
"To spend time with you. To get to know you better."
"Oh.  Well not today because I'm busy" I trailed off.
"Okay, tomorrow?" He asked hopeful.
"Maybe. I'll text you later, but I got to go." I said then kissed his cheek.

I scurried him out and shut the door behind me. I hurried down the hall with Knox trailing not to far behind me. We got to the lobby and there he was. I ran up to him and smiled brightly.

"Hey!" I said.
"So, this is who you decided to have plans with instead of with me.." Knox butt-in.
"Uhh... no- err. If I'm being honest I didn't even know we had plans... sorry." I sad sheepishly.
"Come on Lucas." I turned my attention back to him.

Lucas smiled at me and nodded. We walked to the front of my building leaving an angry looking Knox behind.

He walked me to his all black 1970 Jaguar xke car make. "Whoa..." I breathed , taking in the beauty of his car. "She's beautiful." I said. He grinned, "I know. She's my pride and joy."
"She's a beautiful 1970 Jaguar xke, with rear-wheel drive and a manual 4-speed gearbox. And it's all blac-" I was cut off but the loud roar of Knox's 73 Chevy Nova.
"Whoa, now that's a hot car." he whistled. "Yeah, that's's Knox's 73 Chevy Nova." I answered.
'Wait-- how do you know so much about cars?" he asked as he opened the passenger door for me.
I waited to answer until e was in his seat. "Well, I hung out with my twin brother mostly growing up and his friends. Plus, Jacks, my best friend, and I have been working in his dads garage since we were at least thirteen." 
"oh." he replied with a smile then said "So, navagator where e off too?"



I sat there laughing so hard vanilla milkshake came out of my nose. "What. No way!! That did not just happen." I said breathlessly whiping tears away from the corner of my eyes. Lucas had scarlett red cheeks and a very disturbed look on his face. "Stop laughing. It's not funny." he whined.

"It is the funniest freaking thing to happen all year." I exclaimed still giggling. Replaying what had just happened in my head.

 We had walked into the McDonald's to get food after the two hour movie, and this girl came up to us.... she was pretty, I guess you could say. "Hey there handsome." she purred putting her small hand on his big shoulder. "How's about you say me and you get out of her and go somewhere..." she cut me a nasty glance. "... more privet?" he politely shook her hand off his shoulder and said "Uhh, no thanks I'm hanging out with my home slice right now." and the he took my arm and walked me to the counter. After ordering our meals we sat down in a booth and that girl came up to us again. "Look here buddy. You're going to take me somewhere and show me the best damn time of my life.. got it?" She said in a very manly voice. Lucas and I gave each other wide eyed looks when 'she' spoke up again. "Look, you and I both know you want the meat under this pretty little skirt. Now if you won't at least take me to a hotel, drag my ass to the men's room and suck me off." the thing said a husky man voice. But before ether of us could reply a guy that looked a lot like Lucas came up to us and said "Babe, I've been waiting for you for like twelve minutes... I just booked our room. Come on."

Flashback Ends.

Still giggling uncontrollably he threw a french fry at me. My jaw dropped in surprise. "You did not just throw a french fry at me."
"Uhh, actually I believe I just did. What'er you going to do about it?" he said and I smirked.  dipped my fry in ketchup and threw it at him. His eyes widened in surprise, then he took his half eaten nugget  redipped it in barbeque souce and tossed it, staining my favorite baby blue tee shirt.


Ater making a mess in our booth we were kicked out of the fast food place. But we were laughing too hard to care. Then as we got to his car he got a very serious look on his face and said "No. No way in hell are you getting into my car like that." Knowing he was dead serious we walked back across the lot and across the street and too the Do-It-Yourself-Car-Wash. Taking turns spraying each other down and then taking the hand-held air dryer thingy we dried each other off.


Update Complete.

Sorry for the long wait... I know writers block isn't very good excuse but I had a bad case of it... I hope you Lovely readers liked it.


Xoxo~ Cinderella.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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