Chapter 2.

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School was over now and Airabelle had joined Jackson and I. We were currently playing one of the Just Dances and I was dominating.

"This is so unfair!" Airabelle whined as she plopped down on the couch. "You always win!"
"Sorry?" I asked. With a shrug of my shoulders.
"Obviously, we're done so let's go get ice cream." Jackson suggested.
"I wish I could but I got to get home." I sighed.
"Alright I'll drive you." Airabelle offered.
"No thanks, I can walk," I said putting my shoes on and grabbing my bag. "Se ya tomorrow." I said then left.

I walked the few blocks it took to get to my house, closer to the bad end of town. I picked up my pace as I seen Jake and his "gang" and rushed to my door. I unlocked it and quietly shut it. I tried to sneak up to my room but then he stumbled into the foyer.

"Hey there, Harmonee." he slurred. I ignored him and tried to go up stairs. But that was a bad choice. "You answer me when I talk to you young lady!" he shouted then grabbed me by the hair on the back of the head, and ripped me down the stairs. I screamed out in pain as I fell to the floor, he still had my hair. He snickered at me then pulled me up by my hair. I whimpered this time, but it wasn't the reaction he wanted so he slammed me back down. "Little bitch." he spat. Then the front door opened and in walked a sweaty Alek. By now I had tear streaming down my face, he rushed over to me and asked if I was okay. When I didn't answer he got up and shoved Richard against the wall --hard.

"Listen here, if you ever put your hands on her again I'll have you thrown in jail- no prison so fast you won't even know what happened." Alek spat at him with so much venom if made me flinch.

He walked over to me again and picked my up bridal style and carried me up to his room. Once there he sat me on his bed and then asked calmly "Are you okay? What happened?"  

"He h-had gr-grabbed m-me by my h-hair and s-s-slammed me down o-ont-to the f-floor." I whimpered. The back of my head throbbing.
"Okay, I'm going to go take a shower. Lock the door after I leave and do not open it for anyone but me. Okay?" I nodded and the we walked back to the door and he left with a towel and some clothes. I shut and locked the door and slowly walked back to the bed and laid down.

Ten minutes later Alek was knocking on the door, I let him in and he put his dirty clothes in his hamper and put in the Lion King. We lay down and watch the movie. Just as the credits roll onto the screen I could feel his breathing even out, and I knew he's asleep. I quietly get up and head to the bathroom. I lock the door and pull open the drawer with my things in it, and pull out the blade I had hidden in it.

I press it to my wrist and slice the skin, and do it again and again. When I finally feel numb I rinse every thing off and go to my room to grab my bandages. I wrap my wrist up and lay in my bed waiting for the next sleepless night to end.   


When I woke up, my sister was not next to me. But the t.v. was off and the door was open. I got out of bed and walked over to her room. She was lying there. Starring at the ceiling not noticing me, but hen she rolled over I seen the white bandage around her left wrist. Knowing what she did I silently walked over to her pulled open her covers and held her in a hug. She curled into me and cried.

After a few minutes she had stopped, so I asked her "Why?"
She looked at me and I could just see all the different, raw emotions held in her eye's when she said "I couldn't handle it any more."
"Couldn't handle what?" I asked
"Everything from the abuse, to the bullying, to just feeling lonely."
"Harmonee, your not alone, you have me, Airabelle, Jackson. And why didn't you tell me about the bulling or the abuse." I said looking down, hurt she didn't tell me before.
"Well for one, Richard said that if I told anyone he'd do worse. And well you never noticed the bulling before, I mean it is your  friends who do it, so I didn't want to bother you about it."

I didn't say any thing to her but to get dressed. I was angry but most of all hurt that she didn't trust me. I'm her twin for crying out loud, I may be the younger one but I will always protect her the best I can.


I got dressed in a plain, black long sleeve shirt. A pair of light, super skinny jeans, my black and white checkered vans, I had also put on my white, knitted scarf. I grabbed my book bag and walked out of my house with a slam of my door not waiting for Alek. I walked down the road to my bus stop, and waited.

Ten minutes later the big, yellow machine pulls to a stop. Ignoring Alek I get on the bus, full of annoying, loud, little kids and walk to the back of the bus. Seeming how there are no other seats Alek sits next to me.

"Har, please talk to me." Alek says.
"What's there to say?" I ask him, still looking forward. "I mean really? I'm just some person no cares about. I mean our parents left, people at school just love to torment me, and you don't notice any of it." I huff out
"Harmonee, I care about you. Your my twin, I'd do anything for you. Hell, I'd take a bullet for you. Your the only family I have left and I refuse to lose you." Alek said, and I knew he meant it.
"I'm sorry." I said then put my head phones and blared the scremo version of Justin Beiber's song Boy Friend, and got off the bus and into hell.


I made it through my first four hours with no problems. It's lunch now and I sat by Airabelle and Jackson like usual.

"Hey, I'm gonna get a coke, want anything?" They shook there heads no so I just walked over to the vending machine. I put in the dollar and pushed the buttons A25 for my coke. I had opened it and turn around not knowing there was someone behind me. I bumped into someone spilling my coke all over them.

"Are you kidding me?" The loud voice boomed.
I recognized the voice immediately. It was Knox. Knox Blake. I looked up at him and said "Would you watch were your going?"
"Watch were I'm going, why don't you." he scoffed out.
"I'm pretty sure I was. Now would you please move?" I asked in fake innocents. I went to walk around him but he stepped in my way again. "Seriously, dude. Just let me through." I said looking back up to meet his eyes.
He smirked. "No thanks, Freak." I rolled my eyes and moved to the other side again. He mimicked my movements, again.  By now the whole cafeteria was looking at us.
"Fine I guess you leave me no choice." I muttered under my breath.
"Wha-" He was interrupted by my knee colliding --with much force might I add-- were the sun don't shine. He grabbed himself and fell to his knees with a groan in pain.

Just as I had gotten around him. I heard him squeak out "Get her." to his friends. So then I dropped my half empty can of soda and ran out of the cafeteria. Knowing Alek had gym while I was at lunch, I ran toward the practice field. I could hear the loud slaps of the big shoes running after me. Just as I pushed through the big doors leading out side I heard another pair of feet join the chase. I looked back and seen Knox and his two goons right behind me. So I pushed myself harder, my calves were burning and I was wheezing in and out for a breath. When I seen the class come into sight, I pushed myself even harder. Looking through the big class, I easily spotted my brother and ran right for him. Once I knew he could hear me I screeched his name. Everyone turned to look at me, at first there was confusion written on his face but then Knox and his goons came into view.

All of a sudden I was tackled to the ground --hard. I heard Alek scream my name, but then I couldn't hear or see anything. Everything was black.

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