Chapter 9

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It was the day of the vampire battle.

Seth told me that the wolves would help the vampires.

I was walking through the woods in the direction of the fight.

I heard some struggling on a mountain top so I took off in that direction.

I then heard a wolf's whimper.

'Seth!' I thought and took off faster.

I reached the mountain top and pushed of the boy who was about to attack Seth.

The boy was sent flying into a boulder.

"Stay.Away.From Seth" I growled as I crouched into a fighting position infront of Seth.

The boy smirked and charged.

But I was faster.

He sent a punch my way but I grabbed his arm and threw him over my shoulder and onto the ground.

"You are not strong" I said throwing him into the woods.

"You are weak like a human" I said again when he charged at me.

I jumped over him and pulled out my dagger.

I stabbed his neck and pulled off his head.

I threw him to the ground and I heard a shriek from behind me.

I turned to see a woman with fiery red hair bare her teeth at me.

I then growled at her.

I looked to see Seth getting up and shaking off the snow from his fur.

I was relieved that he was ok.

I then turned to the red head to see her charge at me.

Edward grabbed the human girl and took her somewhere safe.

Seth charged forward to protect me.

But the woman was angry and had eyes targeted on only me.

She grabbed Seth's leg and threw him through a few trees.

"Seth!" I shouted worried.

I then got pissed.

3rd Person POV

Mania began to shake violently.

Her eyes began to change color from a normal silver to a blue.

"I WILL KILL YOU!!" Mania shouted and charged with new found speed that no wolf or vampire can see

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"I WILL KILL YOU!!" Mania shouted and charged with new found speed that no wolf or vampire can see.

The last thing Victoria can see.

Was the snow falling on the mountain top as her head was sent into the air as her body collapsed into the cold snow.

Mania burned the corpses and quickly went to Seth.

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