Chapter 8

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Mania POV

It has been a few months since the whole incident.

I'm keeping my distance between the vampires and the wolves.

But I felt something was wrong.

But I'm not sure what.

"Mania! I know your avoiding us but can we please talk?" I heard Carlisle called out from his home that was not to far.

I ran from tree to tree until I came upon the clearing he was standing in.

"What do you need" I said looking down at all of them.

But there was that girl from the day in which I met Edward.

"There is an army.A vampire army.We need all the help we can get.So will you please help us?" Edward asked

He seemed desperate.

"Why need my help.You can handle them can you not" I said leaning against the trunk of the tree.

"We could if there wasn't about 100 of newborns" Emmett said

"I'll think about it.Do you know when they will come?" I asked

"They will be here in a week" a girl said.

I then analyzed there appearance.

All of them were different.

"We are the same" Edward said

"So you think.Your eyes may be stronger and you can see things clearly.But you lack something." I said as I turned around

"And what is that?" Carlisle asked

"Reality" I said before jumping away.

I then seen Seth running in his wolf form.

I then landed near him and followed.

I caught up easily and nudged him.

He looked at me and smiled of wolfy grin.

We ran until I seen more wolves up ahead.

I then jumped into the trees and went the opposite way.

I seen seen Shimoa a little ways ahead.

"Shimoa!" I called out landing on the ground.

"Mania? I wasn't expecting you here. I thought you would have joined the water province." Shimoa said

"You remember elders orders.I am to be here.In the snow province" I said

Shimoa then looked down.

"I know about you breaking the law." she said

I was shocked.

"How?" I asked

"Rox.He was my spy." Shimoa said

She then looked straight into my eyes a glared.

"Leave.I asked elder to have us trade places.She agreed." Shimoa said standing tall.

"No.I will not leave" I said standing my ground.

"We will fight if you don't agree.Dont make me do this" Shimoa said.

"I will not stand down. I won't fight you either" I said tossing my dagger to the side.

Shimoa pulled out her dagger similar to my own.

She then charged at me.

I dodged as she took a swipe at me.

"I am the snow dragon.I am the rain dragon.You can't defeat me!" I shouted as I jumped to a branch to dodge another attack.

"I am your sister. I will keep you in check." Shimoa growled.

She then cut down the tree with a single swipe of her dagger.

I jumped and landed on the ground.

I quickly moved to the left to dodge a kick.

I then took off running with her on my heels.

I threw a few punches but none to seriously injure her.

We made it to yet another clearing.

But the vampires were already there.

'GET AWAY!!' I shouted in my head

I knew Edward could hear me.

While I dropped my guard for that one second, Shimoa got a hit on me.

I quickly held my arm.

"Don't make me kill you" Shimoa said sternly

"As I have said before. I won't stand down." I growled standing tall as a leader would.

"Mania!!" Seth shouted rushing towards me.

My eyes widened.

I rushed to Seth and stood infront of him before Shimoa could even process what was happening.

"We shall finish this soon" Shimoa said and dissapeared into the woods.

I seen as she got farther and farther away.

I then relaxed when she was far enough.

"Who was that?" Carlisle asked

"Shimoa.That is all you need to know" I said and turned to leave.

"Wait your injured.Im a doctor I could help you!" Carlisle called to me.

"No.I don't need your help" I said and ran to the woods.

I found a nice tree and say at the base of the trunk.

I looked at my arm.

'I should've known.Poison' I thought

I wrapped my arm with a bandage.

'Tree frog poison.This will hurt a lot but I'll get through it' I thought standing up.

I then looked to see Rox.

I growled and he flew away.

'I need a new hiding spot' I thought walking into the woods.

I then sensed someone following me.

I know they are on foot.

"Mania! Please! Wait!" I heard a voice say.

I turned to see a man running towards me.

I was confused.

"How do you know my name?" I asked

I then looked at the man and seen he was wearing clothes from the water province.

"It's me Rox" the man said

I then growled.

"Stay away from me.Because of you my sister hates me!" I shouted and turned around.

I took off leaving Rox behind.

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