Chapter 13

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Seth POV

I paced back and forth next to Mania's bed.

Mania has been out for a few weeks now.

I'm really worried about her.

"She's fine Seth.She wouldn't want you to suffer.You need rest and food" Jake said walking in along with Leah.

Leah and Jake have been trying to get me to leave.

But I can't.

"I'll get to it later" I mumbled and held onto Mania's hand.

"Seth I don't want to use my Alpha order on you but if it's to keep you healthy then I'll have to." Jake threatened

I growled and glared at Jake.

"Don't you have an imprint to babysit" I growled at Jake.

Jake was shocked then furious.

Jake then pushed me through the glass door and into the yard.

Jake phased and jumped at me.

I quickly phased and jumped out of the way.

Jake turned then latched onto my hind leg.

' Let go!' I shouted in my head

But Jake didn't answer.

It's like he had gone full wolf or something.

I began to roll around.

I looked around to see Leah standing there with eyes wide open.

I whimpered to her as Jake kept biting harder and harder.

I then felt a snap.

I was then dragged backwards by Jake who kept growled and threw me from side to side.

I then seen a flash of silver.

' Jake! Enough you hurt him!' Leah shouted angrily

Jake was knocked off of me but he went after Leah.

I shakily tried to stand up.

When I managed my leg was completely broken and a bloody mess.

I heard Leah whimpering and quickly made my way over there ignoring my pain and rammed myself into Jake.

Jake and I went tumbling until I hit a tree.

I payed there as Jake was slowly getting up.

But when I looked into Jake's eyes I didn't see his normal chocolate brown. They were a glowing green. Not really a wolf color.

' Jake please. You know I didn't mean it!' I tried to reason with him.

He then charged at me.

'Mania I love you and will forever' I thought closing my eyes and accepting fate.

Mania POV

"Elder?" I said as she appeared infront of me.

"My dear you are perfectly healed and cleaned of the venom.But your love is in danger.Someone is controlling him through his anger" the elder said

I then snapped my eyes open and seen Leah.

"Where is he" I quickly said and she pointed outside.

I quickly ran out there and seen Seth at the base of a tree trunk with Jacob charging at him.

I growled and jumped infront of Seth and back handed Jacob through some trees.

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