Chapter 7

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Mania POV

" You are with those other wolves? I thought you were apart of my clan" I said

I then pulled him down and we landed safely on the ground.

I pulled him towards me and lifted up his shirt sleeve.

The marking was there.

'How dissapointing' I thought

I then pushed him back a bit.

"Hey what's wrong?" Seth asked

"I had my hopes up.In my clan I'm not supposed to talk to you.You have that marking.I already disobeyed the elder.Shes going to kill me" I said sadly

The main law of the clan is if others can transform and have a different marking then you can't speak to them.

And the punishment is death.

I began walking away.

"Wait can't this be a secret?" Seth asked reaching out for me.

I just kept walking until Seth grabbed my arm.

He pulled me into an embrace.

"Please.Dont leave" Seth said as he cried into my shoulder

I stood there shocked.

"Why would you want me to stay?" I asked

"Because.....Your my imprint.I can't live without you" Seth said

'What is an imprint?' I thought

"If it helps I guess I can stay.But if Shimoa finds out I'll be in big trouble" I said

Seth pulled back a bit and smiled happily at me.

"Thank you!" Seth said hugging me again.

I then hesitated but I hugged him back.

I then heard footsteps.

I quickly pulled away from Seth and ran into the darkness.

Seth POV

I watched as Mania ran into further into the forest.

"Seth! Moms worried about you!" Leah shouted stomping up to me.

"Alright I'm going I'm going" I whined

I then walked away with Leah next to me complaining like usual.

"So Seth who's your imprint?" Leah asked

"Just a girl I know" I said

'I have to try to keep her out of my head or the guys will freak out' I thought as we walked into the house.

"Have you seen that weird girl? I haven't seen her around today." Leah said

"Nope. I'm going to bed.Sam has me on patrols again" I said quickly going up to my room.

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