Chapter 1

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Normal POV

It was another beautiful day in the forest.


Animals doing what they do and people?

Not to far behind.

The clan of animals.

Each one is assigned an animal spirit the moment they are born.

They later contain markings of said animal spirit and can willingly turn into that animal when in danger.

Though they may very there are always the rare ones.

The dragon.

Some say it's nothing but a legend.

Others think it's a curse.

But Mania (Ma-Knee-Ah) thinks it's a responsibility.

Because for those who are a dragon.........Are the strongest in the clan.

Legend says that the one who can bare the dragon can take out a whole forest with one punch to a simple tree.

Others say that they can destroy a whole continent with a single step.

But Mania believes they are just plain strong.As long as they can protect the clan then nothing else matters.

The first elder of the clan was a dragon.

Same with the second one.

And the third one.

But the forth one was not yet decided.

Because the day will come when Mania receives her animal.

And then the fate of the clan shall be decided.

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