Ch.3 Wally West

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"So, when are you going to tell Joe?" I asked. "Well, I've been talking to Wally for a few months now. And we've met up twice a week to talk, and bond. And last week, I told him I'd get my dad, tell him everything, and have Wally come and meet him." She explained. "And when will that be?" I asked. "Tonight." She replied. "Would you like me to be with you and Joe when he meets Wally?" I asked. "Maybe it would be good if you did. I did explain how you lived with us and why, but I didn't tell him about the Flash part." She explained. "What time do you want me to show up? "I asked. "7:30...See you then, and thanks Barry." Said Iris as she hugged me and I left.(Later that night) "So..I've had a son this whole time?" Asked Joe. "Yes, I was in Keystone City and I heard about him. Investigated to see if he was one of us...and he is. He was born 8 months after mom left. He was the one who took care of her until, you know." Iris explained. "Iris..He's here." I said as I watched him walk up to the door. " we go." Said Iris as she opened the door. "Uh, Hi. I'm Wally. May I come in?" He asked nervously. "Y..yes, of course." Said Joe as he walked up to the door.(It has been 3 months since we all met Wally. He has come to be apart of our family, the only thing we have not told him about is about me, being The Flash/At S.T.A.R Labs) "There have been 4 Dr. Alchemy incidents since he first appeared, and every time he hits me with that energy from that stone of his. Do we even know what thats stone really is?" I asked. "We might have an idea about that." Said Cait as she looked at Cisco. "We believe that it is the mythical, or not-so-mythical Philosopher's Stone." Cisco explained. "Like Harry Potter?" I asked. "Sortta." He replied. "Hmm, and how do we destroy the stone?" I asked. "Well, we dunno..YET, but we are working on it." Caitlin added(An Alarm Goes Off) "What's that?" I asked. "The Speed Cannon, it's..activated?" Cisco replied as he ran to the Speed Cannon. "What's going on?!" I asked as Caitlin and I ran into the room. "Look, something's coming through!" Said Cait as I opened my ring. "Get ready!" Said Cisco as he pointed his metahuman gun at the portal.(A bright flash appears and then 3 people come out of the breach) "Harry?" We asked as we looked at the people. "Allen, Ramon, Snow..this is Jesse, my daughter." Said Harry as she stood up. "Hi." She said as she looked up at us. "I thought you can only go through breaches through a vibe or with a speedster's aid...So how are you here?" I asked in confusion. "Because of him." Harry replied as he moved out of the way. "Is that...Jay's helmet?" Asked Caitlin. "Yes, this is my helmet." The man replied. "Wait, who are you?" Cisco asked. I'm Jay Garrick..the real Jay Garrick." The man replied as he looked up and was my dead father's doppleganger. 

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