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It was just us together.

It was first semester of school. I lived in Oklahoma, with my family of course. I went to school at Central Reed high school with my boyfriend plus one thousand other kids. But that didn't matter at all. I hated that school.

Steven was my boyfriend. I love him so damn much. We did every thing together. We were both 16. He had a horrible life. Steven dad died when he was 13 because of a car accident. His mom remarried that same year. She married a guy named Jake that she met at a bar. Jake always beats Steven everyday. He comes to school with bruises, busted lips, and black eyes. One time I was with Steven while he was changing his shirt and there was a huge bruise on his rib cage. Steven was already skinny because he didn't eat. His mom bought drugs and stripped. The kids at school know about his mom, and trust me they don't make it any easier on him. Steven is always  depressed, so he doesn't eat, cuts, and does drugs. One time he overdosed on pills. I found him in his room, at first I thought he was asleep until I saw the bottle of pills in his hand. So I took him to the E.R, they pumped his stomach. But its not like I'm any better than him cause I do the same. Either way if I didn't do the same, I would still love his brown hair and brown eyes.

Steven and I would go to warehouses and just smoke and drink to take away the  pain. We would cut and turn our music up high to tune the world out. What do you expect we have been together since we were 12. Sometimes we would play this game where we lay in the middle of the road and wait for cars to come. We did heroine in the school bathroom. We loved the rush. We stole food and drinks from gas stations. But we knew every time we lit a joint, did a line or did a couple of shots it wasn't going to fix us.

 ''Kayla wake up that piece of shit is waiting on you!'' my dad said.

''Ok I'm up!'' I said rubbing my eyes.

My mom died when I was 7. We were so perfect until my mom was robbed at a bank he shot her stole her money. Before my mom, my dad was a alcoholic but he got sober after a couple of months while dating my mom. But after my mom died he went to drinking every night, constantly working out at the gym or either working. One cold night in December, when I was 10 he came in hammered with his friends. I remembered that night because I was playing with the same dolls my mom gave me for my 6th birthday. He came in with his friends, I got up, put my dolls down and stood up.Then he pushed me onto the bed with the blanket that mom knitted me when I was 4 and raped me with his friends. I screamed until one of friends put their hand over my mouth and told me to hush up. After they raped me I just sat up and cried all night from the pain. Ever since then he has raped me every night.

I took a shower, then put on my favorite hoodie Steven gave me. It was pretty cold outside so I decided to put on my bennie. I put my hair in a side braid. I do the same routine every day nothing ever changes. I will admit my life was boring until my day began with Steven.

Hey I'm thinking about doing Steven's point of view next. The tittle was inspired by Birdy's skinny love.

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