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I see her walking out her house, the same house she sneaks out at night after the pain with me.

''Hey, get in I got ask you something right now.'' I said to Kayla.

''Ok I'm coming let me put my book bag in the back.'' Kayla said putting his book bag in the back.

''So I was wondering if you wanted to skip school and go straight to the warehouse?'' I said raising an eyebrow as Kayla was closing the car door.

''Um.... I mean whatever you want to do, I don't care.'' Kayla said looking down.

'' Warehouse it is then'', I said leaning over to kiss Kayla ''what's wrong with you?''

''Nothing I'm fine.'' She said with all of her worries in her eyes.

I pulled off from her drive way. On the way to the warehouse we always pass by the cemetery our parents were buried in. This time she stared at it and I saw tears run down her face.

''Kayla, you know I love you right.'' I said as she turned her head and smiled at me to keep the tears from going any farther.

I put my hand on her thigh while driving. Then I see her eyes close slowly then open slowly. I just drive knowing that she's really not fine no matter she says it. I know when Kayla is lying, but I  just let it pass because she is already annoyed by my questions. I just turn up the radio.

''We are here.'' I say as I walk over to her side to open the door.

As I open the door for her she gets out. And with out even taking one or two steps she faint and falls but I catch her before her head hits the gravel. I pick her up, open the back car doors and place her in the back for her to lay. I get in the drivers side and I drive to the hospital. As  look back I see her skin turning white and her lips turning purple. I drive faster then I hear a cop behind me I go even faster and make a sharp turn at the hospital. The cop follows me, I park in the front of hospital, the car keys out and run over to the over side of the car. I open the car door. I get Kayla out of the car as I see the cop run up behind me then stop as he sees me carrying Kayla inside. I carry Kayla inside. I take one look at her I see her skin it looks like as if someone threw white paint on her.  And her lips are blue.


A nursed ran up to me and male doctor ran up with the nurse. The doctor grabbed Kayla and place her on the stretcher. The nurse ran the stretcher through the double doors. I sat down I put my hands in my hands and rocked back and forth like a rocking chair. Then that fucking cop came in.

''Excuse me, sir can I talk to you, please.''  The cop said to me.

'' What!'' I said walking outside with the cop.

''I just want to let you know that you were driving over 25 miles over the speed limit.'' The cop said to me think I'd really care after just taking my girlfriend in the hospital.

''Ok, so where is fucking ticket!!!'' I said.

''If you calm down I wont give you one, because of the situation your in.'' the cop said calmly.

''Ok, can I just go back inside?'' I said to the cop.

''Yes you may.'' he said to me.


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