It'd Look Great On You!

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"No," Dan stated, rolling his eyes for what seemed like the 17th time today.

"But it's totally  your personality!" Phil smiled, shoving the pink and orange checkered button-up into Dan's arms. "I also found an olive green pasley print shirt and purple corduroy pants, I know they're somewhere around here..."

"We've been over this. If it doesn't have black on it I'm not wearing it!" He glanced around the aisles for Phil, who was skipping joyfully to the men's section.

"The stiching is done in black thread!" He called back. Dan groaned, following reluctantly behind.

"I'm not wearing it. Never." Dan shook his head. "You  wouldn't even wear that, and everyone knows you wear some weird things."

Phil shot him a glare and continued rifiling through the odd mix of clearance items, occasionally tossing a pair of stripped overalls or a polka-dotted muscle top. Dan whined that he didn't have any muscles to show off, but Phil persisted that it was on clearance and would add a pop of colour to his otherwise fully gray and black toned wardrobe.

"It'd be a waste of money to buy all this. It's not like I'm ever going to wear it."

"Yeah, well, I'll wear it then."

"You will not."

Phil sighed. "I wouldn't. But It'd be a nice surprise gift to be left on PJ's door step."

"I can definitely agree to that." Dan replied with a smile.

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