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"I love you, goddammit! Can't you see? Can't you see I've loved you since 2009? Every time you smile, every time you laugh, everything you do, everything you are. I've tried to keep quiet because I knew you would reject me, bit it's been tearing me apart!" Dan screamed, clawing at the collar of his shirt, eyes wild and blazing. Phil stood in the doorway of the bedroom, shaken and confused.

"You've loved me for 8 years?" Phil asked timidly, trying not to anger Dan more than he already was.

"Yes!" Dan shouted in response, making Phil cower slightly.

"Dan, you don't even know my feelings."

"You hate me."


"You're going to leave me."

"Dan," Phil stepped closer to the frantic boy.

"You're going to abandon me!"



"YOU DON'T HAVE TO!" Phil shouted, crashing his lips against Dan's. Dan stepped back, startled and confused.

"What the hell was that?"

"I love you too!" Phil persisted.

"You're lying."

"Not in the slightest."

153 words // sorry for not updating in awhile - been busy :((

and this is really short. ill try a longer one this week !!

hope you enjoyed!! <3

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