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Beep. Beep. Beep.

The sound, the only thing I can grasp onto and it brings me slowly out of the unconscious state I had been forced into. Squinting my eyes tight together, I try to blink them open, thinking it will be an easy task.

I'm wrong, very wrong.

It feels like they are glued shut and that there's no way of escaping.

As when everyone wakes, my heartbeat accelerates, my blood heating the top layer of my skin. I furrow my brows, hearing more sounds fill the place where I cannot fully wake. It sounds like Aohdan, but he's not the only one talking.

Well, it sounds like talking, but from how vicious the words are, I realize that they are actually yelling at one another.

"What you did was beyond anything you should have ever done!" Cormac's voice cuts my own skin with his words even though they are directed in full force at Aohdan. "She broke no code to deserve this type of punishment...this was spitefully done," Cormac's voice grows darker and a slight chill courses through my bones. This is a battle that I should not be between...the only reason I know this is by the way he retaliates.

"She's not your slave!" Aohdan growls back, "You may outrank me Cormac, but she is mine to do with as I please. She is mine to punish and you'll do well to hold your tongue and stop insulting me or I'll bring this issue to Arthur. If you can't remain silent and keep your nose out of my business then I'll have no choice-"

Cormac silences him when he snarls, "Expose her for what she is? A vagrant? Yes, I'm sure Arthur will be so pleased with what you have taken into your home. You'll be the one under judgement, not I."

He knows...how does he know that I am a vagrant?

"How do yo-"

"Her blood you idiot!" Cormac doesn't even allow him to finish that sentence, cutting him right off, "I saw her memories...you had the chance to end her life but you didn't, now you'll be the one paying for your actions."

Finally I open my eyelids, blinking back the light that floods them the moment I can see the hospital ceiling above my head. The numbness in my body starts to ebb away and is slowly replaced by a dull ache that throbs in my abdomen. Maybe the numbness would have been a better option to hold onto...because now I know this was no ideal threat. Aohdan really did follow through with his-Laisha's punishment.

I feel their eyes on me, looking down near the foot of the bed I see them nearly at each other's throats. Cormac's green eyes lock with my own and he states, "How are we supposed to expect others to follow the code that we put into effect when you go and do shit like this. They maybe nothing more than a tool Aohdan...but there are rules put in place for a reason...they have their rights if they follow the code and you violated hers!"

I don't say a single word, even breathing might be dangerous.

"If you hurt her without just case any further," Cormac's eyes shift to Aohdan's malachite ones, "You'll see exactly how fast one is removed from the council. We uphold the code and that means we do not deviate from it ever even though we have the power to. That's how this world goes on, balanced by our own word. And," Aohdan scoffs at Cormac, walking away from him and nearing the right side of the bed, "if you are even thinking of selecting her to rid yourself of your own mistake, think again. I'll expose you quicker that you can bat your eyelashes."

Aohdan's hands had taken hold of the guard rail, his grip tightening with each word Cormac tosses at him. I have never seen another hold authority over him, but he obviously knows what Cormac is capable of because he agrees, "Fine," he glares at me and then returns his gaze to Cormac, "but you are not to touch her ever again. Your assistance is no longer required in breaking her as if she breaks another code, I'll have something far more worse in store...though I doubt she'll be acting out after this."

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