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@Ashesuri has selected a perfect song to help readers process everything that has happened and what will come to pass.

Song: Imperfection by Evanescence.


I see her move...

...Laisha's alive, running through the thick forest trees, losing sight of her once she reaches a certain area completely sheltered by the tree tops covered in a blanket of snow.

If she can fall that distance and live, then so can I.

Glancing down for a moment beneath of me, the snow whirling in flurries while I hear Keir's voice behind me call out, "Rose?"

"She's going to kill herself-" Bishop's tone is cautious as I step to the very edge of the cliff.

Pierce's voice is also uneasy as she says, "Marc's death...it's going to kill her-"

"Rose!" Quinn calls out, fear in her voice as I merely glance up, the moonlight covered up on the mountain top clouds.

Inhaling a deep breath, I take that final step off the edge of the cliff, the fear that I once held in regards to so many things appears to have been lifted from me, embracing what I know is deep within me to carry me through this hole now etched into my heart. I hear them all call out, screaming while I fall quickly down and away from the cliff face, my eyes set on the ground beneath of me, the clearing directly under where I fall. The wind whips at my cheeks, my hair flying up behind me until I brace myself for the impact, letting my knees give the second my booted feet hit the snowy ground.

I feel nothing.

Gently, I rise up from my bent knees and glance around me, lifting my chin up toward the edge of the cliff face. I can hardly see those looking over the edge, all of them wondering if this was an attempted suicide. They'll all know soon enough that this is the first step...with many more before I find that bitch and remove her head from her shoulders.


A trail of blood stains the pure white snow, splotches heading away in the direction I had seen Laisha take off in. My head tilts to the side while I hear the distance sounds of the howls from the packs above me, an eeriness filling the void in my heart for a brief moment until all that remains is the silence carried by the wind.

I sprint faster than I've ever ran before, weaving my way through the trees while tracking the trail of blood. At the rate of blood loss, I'm sure Keir bit into her femoral artery, more than likely finding it impossibly to heal herself at an exponential rate. She'll be headed in the direction of Arthur's grounds, trying to find someone to feed off of and heal otherwise...she'll die within a few minutes if she's lucky...

I'm drawing closer to where The Hunt initial begins, knowing if I don't find her soon, she may very well reach the council and I wonder how long it'll take before her pride crumbles and she falls apart, telling the council everything. Fire burns in my eyes, feeling the pain Dante soon will come to understand when I tell him that it was Laisha who killed his brother...not directly, but she forfeit his life to the council for petty and jealous reasons.

There it is...

...sound, light noises.

It's a man's light groan as he gasps, my footsteps becoming light as I approach the secluded grove. Out from the torrent in the mountains, all of my senses have returned and I can easily smell the vampire and a human. Her scent is familiar the closer I draw toward their hiding place, rounding the last tree trunk as I come into the clearing and lay my eyes on Laisha.

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