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Just as Dante had promised, he left about a week ago, seeking out his selection for the upcoming winter solstice. Marc also has gone to check in with Keir and the rest of their two packs, gathering those that would aid in the plot to bring down the council while safely making sure the others would hopefully not be drawn out and affected by the enhanced moonlight from the snowflake crystals.

Everyone is securing what they need before the last few months completely pass us by, the clock springing time forward quicker than I would have imagined.

While everyone else attended to their matters, I figured I would do something for myself as well. Exhaling a deep breath, I rise from the chair in the room I occupy, the shadow of the moon darkest when just rising up over the top of the tall tree line outside my window.

One of the elegantly crafted outfits that Dante had commissioned for me suites my taste quite well. I know I would eventually wear the revealing clothes like the rest of Cormac's slaves, but for now, I stand tall in dark leather pants, the knee high boots coming up over my shins and reaching just below my knees. The tight tank top clings to my curves, the leather jacket slipped over my shoulders while I zipped up the front.

Clothes aren't the only thing daddy had made for me...

"Rose?" Cormac's voice resonates off the walls of my room, my eyes lifting to meet with his as he stands in the open door frame. He eyes me up and down, his features lightening for a moment before he questions, "Should I be worried?"

A small smile makes its way onto my lips as I slowly stride across the room, snatching the leather gloves from on top of the cabinet next to the door. We stand a few feet from one another, a tension that I want to break desperately keeps clawing its way up to my heart each time I see him. When I gaze into those green eyes of his, I see the true love he has for me, but I am also reminded to the trust which shattered before my very eyes, breaking me further than I'd ever been broken before.

I want to love. I want to trust...but I'm not sure I even know how to properly anymore. The distance that guards my heart appears to be a million light years away.

Cormac lifts his arm, his knuckles brushing my cheek as I enjoy the way the warmth between us flows naturally. When I briefly close my eyelids, he cups my cheek, the pad of his thumb caressing my cheek gently as he murmurs, "I'm deeply sorry my little rose."

Breathing out and slowly opening my eyes I remind him, "Don't tell me because words are cheap," his touch lingers and I say, "show me and rebuild my trust in you."

"I promise I will," he lowers his lips closer to mine, my heart beating evenly while I close the distance between us. A very sweet and affectionate kiss is shared between the two of us, those tiny electrical bolts surging through me at our connection.

When we pull away from one another, Cormac asks, "Where are you going?"

"To see a friend," I reply as he steps back and allows me to walk out into the hallway. Cormac walks with me, our footsteps almost in sync while we take our time, my thoughts wandering to that of if everything we are working for will actually succeed.

"Cormac," Keveon's voice breaks through our silence, coming into the main entryway of the estate. He stands near two couches and a low wooden table, lifting a sheet of paper just as he catches sight of us. Cormac turns in the direction of his brother, a questioning look crossing his face before he nods silently.

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