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Hi loves! Since most of ya'll wants a happy ending. I like to thank UrbanPrincessK for the idea for the ending.

3 years later after the war...

Ashley's POV:

"Luke! Come back here!" I chased after our 3 years old son as he slide down the banister, butt-naked. Urgh...boys....

"Michael! Urgh...Jace! Grab hold of him for me!" I hollered as Jace ran after Michael, our one year old son, in his suit, looking as dashing as ever.

You must be wondering, 3 years ago? Yup. I didn't know that I was already pregnant with Luke when we were in war because I showed no signs of pregnancy then.

As predicted....Jace went bat-shit crazy and used his Alpha order on me to prevent me from leaving our bed for the whole 4 months! 4 freaking months! I swear my butt grew larger from the inability to move! My poor butt...

"Mummy! Helppp!" Luke screamed as he jumped into my embrace, holding a candy bar.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Daddy says that if I don't get changed, the dangling dick monster will cut off my birdie!" Dangling dick monster? Seriously Jace?

"Oh dear! Then you better faster grab your clothes and change into it! We don't want the monster to cut of your birdie right?" Luke quickly shook his head in horror as he threw away his half eaten candy bar.

"Okay Mummy! I'll go change now!" He grab his clothes hung on the cupboard as he dashed off into his room to change.

"So I guessed that it worked?" Jace smirked as he appeared behind me with little Michael, both looking extremely dashing.

"About that...what the hell is a dangling dick monster?" Jace laughed at my words as he set Michael on our bed.

"Oh that? I just made it up. But it worked like a charm, didn't it?" He winks, making me laugh. I sometimes wonder is he is a full grown mature man or a 5 year old kid stuck in that body.

"Yeah it did." Pulling me closer to himself, we locked lips hungrily only to forget about our boys.

"Ewww! That's gross." Luke faked gagged as he place his hands over Michael's eyes to prevent him from seeing anything.

"We play seek?" Michael asks adorably with a confused look on his face as he stared up at Luke once Luke took his hands away.

"Yes we are, right?" He fake glared at us like we are his children who are caught doing a crime.

"Yes we were, Mikey. Well, we have to go now."

"Where are we going Daddy?"

"We are bringing you to see Grandma and Grandpa."

"Really?! Yayyy!!! What are you all standing here posing for? This is not a model agency. Let's go!" Luke sassed as he dragged us by our hands to the car.

Although he is just a 3 year old, he acts like a grown-up teen with all his sassiness and strength.

'He is soooo like you.' Jace grumbled through our mindlink as he held onto Michael tightly.

'Oh please, I'm not the sassy one here mister.'

'Oh yeah? Prove it.'

'Sure. With pleasure.'


"Yes mummy?"

"Who did Grandma say you behave like?" Luke gave me a are-you-kidding-me look before continuing walking to our car.

"Of course like daddy." He said in a duh tone making me raise an eyebrow at Jace.

'Fine....but I'm not as sassy as him.'


"Faster mummy!"

"Don't rush your mum, Luke. Did you forget that she's pregnant?" Jace glared at Luke for his inconsiderate behaviour causing him to bow his head down with remorse.

"Sorry Mummy...sorry Daddy..." He apologised as he teared up a little.

"It's alright big boy. Just slow down a little okay?"

"Yes Mummy."

Jace smiled as he place his free hand around my waist protectively, touching my 2 months till due baby bump tenderly. Although he acts like a big baby, he still makes a good husband and dad to our children. For that, I'm really glad and lucky to have him as my mate.

First my enemy, then my mate, now our children's father. I couldn't ask fir anything more perfect than this. Although we had a bumpy and rocky beginning, we finally have a happy ending like all fairytales.

So this is finally the end loves! Thanks for your constant support and hope that you will enjoy my other completed stories and also check out my new story which is also a werewolf story. Check these out now↓! Haha!

1. Don't Leave Me
2. My Possessive Ex-Boyfriend
3.She's One Of Us
4. His Only Personal Assistant
5. (☆NEW☆) Two Broken Souls,        One Heart Formed

Seeya in the other books! Byeee!

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