Chapter 7: Yu-Topia Akatsuki

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My body felt so relaxed it made me feel sleepy. I opened my eyes and yawned. I swam away from Victor.

Once I've reached the other side, I turned around to look at Victor. He was looking back at me. "I'm going," I said and got out of the hot springs.

Victor pouted like a child. I chuckled at his reaction and said, "We'll see each other later." With that, I walked out of the hot springs.

I went back to the locker room and dried myself using a towel. It's pretty cold now that I stepped out of the hot spring.

I pulled out a shirt and a pair of leggings from my suitcase and wore them. I also grabbed my jacket and tied it to my waist. After getting dressed, I grabbed my suitcase and walked towards the lobby. The old lady was still there. Our boxes were beside the counter. Most of them were Victor's. Gosh, why did Victor brought a lot?

My eyes looked around. The walls were a nice shade of red. There were tables, paintings, trophies and.... drunk men? There are bottles of something on their table. Three men are wearing a black robe. They must have gotten off the hot spring. One was sitting behind a table, holding a remote. The other one watching the television and another one lying in front of the TV.

I took a few steps forward to see what they were watching. I think it's the news. "Kyushu faces a sudden cold wave. It was a good day for viewing cherry blossoms, but there was a massive snowfall.

I pouted when I heard the reporter's last sentence. I wanted to view the cherry blossoms. I ignored the TV and sat on the chair beside the counter. I took out my phone and informed Sandra that we've reached Japan and we're in Katsuki's house. Speaking of Katsuki, I wonder where he is.

Suddenly, Makkachin comes out of the locker room. He barks and waves his tail. I looked at him and smiled. I placed my phone back in my pocket. I bent down and picked him up. "What do you want, buddy?" I said and brushed my nose to his nose. He barked happily at me. I chuckled.

I placed him back down and pet him. "Do you wanna go play in the snow?" I asked. He barked again and ran towards the door. I chuckled and walked towards him. I slid the door open and he ran outside. I untied my jacket from my waist and wore it. I ran after Makkachin and we both played in the snow.

Makkachin barks and runs around happily. I took my phone and whistled at Makkachin. "Makkachin! Come here, boy!" I shouted. He barked and ran towards me.

When he reached me, I knelt to the ground and brought up my phone. I wrapped my arms around him. "Look at the camera, Makkachin," I said and smiled. He barked then I took a photo of us.

I chuckled and let go of him. I stood and placed my phone back in my pocket. I stood and followed Makkachin around.

After a few minutes, he barked and ran back towards the door. I think he wants to retreat now. I walked towards him when the door slid open. I gasped. It was Yuuri. He was holding a shovel. He didn't seem to notice me.

He was shocked when he saw Makkachin. "Vicchan?" He said. Makkachin barked and jumped on Yuuri. "Nope!" He screamed as he fell.

I covered my mouth in shock and ran towards the door. I stood there and watched them. Makkachin started licking Yuri's face. "He's much bigger than Vicchan..." he said. He gave a small laugh when Makkachin licked his neck.

Makkachin stopped and stared at him. Yuri stared back at Makkachin. "Huh? Could he be... No, it can't be," Yuri said. I guess he's starting to figure it out.

Suddenly, a man walked towards him. "Yuuri, isn't he just like Vicchan?" The man asked. "He came with two really good-looking foreign guests!" The man added. Yuuri turns around to look at the man and gasped.

The man looked at me and smile. "One of them is her," he said and pointed me. Yuuri turned around again to look at me. I looked down at him. He gasped. "The other one is in the hot springs right now," the man added. Yuuri gasped again and stood. He seems to be in panic.

"Yuuri! What's wrong?" The man called out but Yuuri ran towards the hot spring. He might already have an idea that the man is Victor because of Makkachin and me.

The man looked at me and apologized. "It's okay! I also apologize for Makkachin suddenly jumping on Yuuri," I said and scratched the back of my head. He nodded and walked away.

I walked back to the counter to sit on the chair I sat on before. Makkachin was following me. Once I sat, I heard a very loud scream, "What?!" It must be Yuuri.

I shook my head and chuckled. I picked Makkachin up and placed him on my lap. I hugged him and cuddled with him as I waited for Victor and Yuuri to come out.

A few minutes later, the door leading to the hot spring opened revealing Victor and a shocked Yuuri. "(Y/n)!" He said and waved. Makkachin jumped out of my lap and ran towards Victor. Victor laughed and pat Makkachin.

They walked towards a table. "I'm really tired," Victor said and yawned. He laid on the floor and hugged Makkachin. "Ehh?" I said out of shock. Victor then closed his eyes.

"Is he serious?!" I said. I looked at Yuuri and he shrugged. "Seriously, Victor?" I thought.

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