Chapter 82: Pet Emergency

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"He's surpassed his personal best again! He's now in the first place!"

Victor's moment of waving at everyone came to a stop. I took it as a signal for us to leave the area and stood. I walked past Yuuri and Victor but before I get any farther, Victor gently grabbed me by the arm and pulled me towards him. 

Without a moment's hesitation, his lips met mine in an ever so soft kiss. The audience, as well as the commentator himself, gave us an aww. "Oh my! Overcome with happiness, Nikiforov kissed his girlfriend, (l/n)!"

Our kiss came to an end when Yuuri called out Yuri who was watching us from the rink, "Yurio! Davai!" Yuri in response had a face that showed a mix of disbelief and anger. Victor let go of me as he turned around to cheer for Yuri as well, "Good luck, Yurio!" I didn't bother wishing him luck because I know he doesn't want it, evidence in his face. He isn't so down on his luck that he needs us to cheer for him.

Yuri clenched his teeth before dashing out to the center of the rink. I saw Yakov's surprised expression as he called Yuri, but to no avail, the blonde is now about to start his program. "The usurper skater of Russia, Yuri Plisetsky, age 15," the commentator spoke.

As soon as Yuri was the center of attention, his nerves began to calm down a little. I stared at him long enough to not notice that Yuuri and Victor left my side. I looked behind and saw them waiting for me. Without further ado, I walked towards them. Yuuri was looking at Yuri while Victor had his back towards the rink.

I approached Victor and held his hand. "Let's just watch him from inside when we still got time," he said and squeezed my hand. I gave him a nod before walking with him inside, Yuuri following us. We still have an interview inside, the reporters are waiting. Back when I was skating, we often don't have time to watch the skaters that perform after us because we always have an interview after our short program.

Sure enough, there were already tons of people by the area where we'll be interviewed. Camera flashes welcomed us as we arrived. Questions began getting thrown in the air and I just let Yuuri answer them. Right now is his moment, after all.

My mind flies back to Yuri and I hope that he is doing well. "Here comes the first jump, a triple axel..." Despite the noise around me, I focused on the commentator's words to get an idea of Yuri's performance since the commentating can be heard here. "Ah, he fell!"

"Crap!" I exclaimed inside. Since last year, Yuri hasn't missed that triple axel once until now. I don't have to see him to know that he's angry by Yuuri and Victor's actions earlier. I don't have to see him to know that he is not feeling any agape at all. I wonder if Nikolai is here. His presence would surely be a big game-changer for Yuri's emotions.

"A flying sit spin. His position is quite beautiful."

Even without words from him, I know that he's been pouring blood, sweat, and tears into this since his skate off with Yuuri. He just lacks overall experience, that's all.  Yuri's performance was followed by a series of jumps he was able to do with no mistakes, earning him a huge cheer from the audience.

"Yuri Plisetsky of Russia has truly remarkable talent!"

Even when he wasn't at his best, he always analyzed his performance mid-program to make a strong comeback. "That's right," I thought. "Have pride in yourself as a work of art until the very end, Yuri."

I smiled knowing that Yuri did well as my mind went back to my present situation. I placed my hand on Yuuri's back to assure him that I'm here as he entertains the reporters. All of a sudden, I felt another hand's presence on top of the one I have on Yuuri's back. I don't have to look to know that it's Victor's.

Yuuri is answering a question when one of the reporters spoke, "The score's up." Yuuri stopped and listened as the score was about to be released. "Yuri Plisetsky's score is 98.09, putting him in second. Katsuki Yuuri remains in the first place." I hugged Yuuri as he lets the reality sink in. 

Up next is JJ. As soon as his name was announced, even if we're not personally fond of him, we walked towards the nearest television to watch. Even the reporters went with us.

"A quadruple toe loop, a triple toe loop. He's doing mega-jumps right off the bat! He placed third in last year's Grand Prix Final. This season, he has won Skate Canada, and currently has the greatest momentum."

JJ did another mega-high jump that almost cleared the fence. He's a kind of skater that doesn't put a lot of jumps for the second half of his program because he values the collaboration between his skating and the music. It's JJ style, they say. This is the part about JJ that I like and it probably is the only one.

Eventually, once the song reaches the chorus, the crowd sang along it. The lyrics express how JJ is at the top of the world and invite everyone to follow him. "That's an impressive step sequence," I said to no one in particular as our eyes were glued on the screen.

"Now, the last jump is a mega-jump that not even Nikiforov ever attempted in the second half, a quadruple Lutz."

Right after it was said, JJ lifted himself off into the air and landed back down perfectly. "He did it!" the crowd erupted in cheers and claps. I was amazed. I gave out a soft chuckle, "You are the basis of greatness when it comes to skating, aren't you?" I nudged Victor.

"I wouldn't take such a risk like that," Victor replied. "But I know someone who will." He glanced at me and smirked. His face screams that the only person to be as idiotic as JJ to take such a risk is me. Maybe that's what JJ and I have in common. Probably why he was proclaimed king and not Victor. But then again, it probably started first as self-proclaimed before the whole world acknowledged the title.

JJ's program ended with a great volume of cheers from the audience. He even bent down to kiss the ice. 

All of a sudden, Victor excused himself from the small crowd of people watching with us. "Where are you going?" I asked but he didn't seem to hear because he continued walking away. I grabbed Yuuri's hand and followed him. I saw him took a phone out of his pocket. It's Yuuri's. The blue casing with Makkachin prints on it says so.

"You got a call," he said as he gave Yuuri the phone. The younger man took it and answered the call. It wasn't long before Yuuri's facial expression turned into a mix of worry and shock. I wonder what's up.

The scores were announced: JJ got 113.56. He's currently the leading one.

"Victor, (y/n)!" Yuuri exclaimed, getting me out of my thoughts. "Go back to Japan right now. I'll face the free skate tomorrow on my own!"

Victor and I stayed silent for a minute before I exclaimed out, "What?!" Yuuri went on to explain what happened. 

"But Yuuri, we can't leave you alone here. You need a coach, otherwise, it could be a demerit to you," Victor replied. Panic arose in both Victor and I but at a moment like this, calmness is the perfect solution.

"But Makkachin! Who'll be there for him?" Yuuri insisted.

"Look, Victor will go. I'll stay here," I said, trying to take hold of the situation. 

"But (y/n), Makkachin is your pet too!"

"As I said, I can't."

Yuuri knows how hard it is to lose a beloved pet. Probably why he insists on Victor and me to go back. "Look, Victor will be the one to go since he's held more responsible for Makkachin than me. I'll stay here with you. You need me just as much as Makkachin does," I said.

"You're alright with it, right, Victor?" I rubbed my hand on his back in a soothing manner. He gave a nod, "If anything happens, call me."

"If anything happens to you, call me too," I replied.

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