Chapter 72: Making History

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Amaya hands us the menu book and Victor and I went on to browse it. They offer a variety of dishes for lunch but three caught my attention. The Daily Pasta, which is ordinary pasta made using the seasonal foods made here in Hasetsu. I often eat pasta back in Russia and ever since we've arrived in Japan, I haven't eaten any pasta.

The Thailand Style Curry also got the attention of my taste buds. It's an original Thailand style with lots of chicken and vegetable curry. It definitely reminds me of Phichit. Last but not least is the Baked Curry Topped with Cheese. 

These three dishes seem very nice, I can't choose which one to eat. I looked at Victor to see him still scanning the menu. "Found anything you'll like?" I asked.

Victor looked at me and answered, "I'll be getting the Thailand Style Curry because I want to try something new." Oh, Victor also had his eye on that dish. "How about you," he asked.

"I'll get the Baked Curry Topped with Cheese," I said. "Cheese sounds nice. Cheese is great." I looked at Amaya and gave her a nod. She gave a nod in return and said, "I'll just repeat the orders: Thailand Style Curry and Baked Curry Topped with Cheese." She looked at me for assurance and I gave her a nod. "Anything else, ma'am, sir? We also have appetizers," She said.

I looked at Victor and he looked back into the menu. I did as well. Failing to make a decision on what to get, "I'll leave it up to you," I told Victor. I gave the menu book to Amaya and she gladly took it. "We'll have a sashimi plate," Victor said and gave the menu as well. Amaya gave a nod before disappearing into the counter.

I placed my elbows on the table and leaned closer to Victor. "My taste buds are excited," I said. Victor took my hand and held it. "Mine too," he said. He ran his thumb over the back of my hand. "Looking back, we rarely had dates like this."

When Victor and I were both skating, we never really had the time to go out and eat with each other. Our schedules are always packed. Although we were always with each other during training because we are coached by the one and only Yakov, dates like this are still different. We only had a bit of time when I quit figure skating. 

"Maybe deciding to be coaches is a blessing in disguise," I said. I gave a small smile and looked at Victor's hand as he holds mine. We were like that for a minute before I broke the silence, "Victor."

"Hmm?" He looked at me. 

"I am torn between decisions. The program that I would skate can be two things: an ending and a new beginning. I don't know which one it's going to be."

Victor sighed and stared deep into my eyes. "The accident from four years ago," he began. "It made me so scared. I already lost you once eleven years ago. I just couldn't bear losing you again."

*Four years ago...
"(Y/n), you can win the Grand Prix even without turning the triple axel into quadruple, I assure you of that," Yakov said as he does his best to walk as fast as he can to catch up on my long strides.

"Yakov, if that's the case then it won't hurt to try it, right? If at the last moment I feel like the quad will be impossible to execute, then I'll carry on with triple axel," I replied.

"You've only landed the quad axel twice in practice. You haven't mastered it yet. The probability of you being able to do it today is less than fifty."

"Maybe third time really is the charm and I'll be able to do it later. Have a little more faith in me."

Yakov carried on convincing me to change my mind but reporters from everywhere are running after us for an interview.

"Is it true that (y/n) would try to attempt a quad axel in this competition?" Was the clear question they are asking.

The guards held the reporters back as we got in the building. It sure was quite a long walk from the parking lot.

As we enter, Victor came running towards me. "(Y/n)!" He said as he went straight into my arms.

"Hello there," I chuckled. He let go of the hug and gave me a peck on the lips. "I haven't seen you in a while," he said.

The men's Grand Prix took place earlier than the ladies' that's why Victor and I haven't seen each other in a while because I've been focusing on the training.

We went to the changing rooms before heading to the rink. The rest of the team went on ahead of us to give Victor and I some time alone. But before separating with us, Yakov whispered something to Victor.

Eventually, we reached the room dedicated to me. Victor locked the door once he got in. "(Y/n)," he called.

"Hmm?" I turned around to face him. He placed his hands on my waist.

"Yakov told me to do my best to convince you to not do the quad axel," he said. I placed my arms around his shoulders as he pulled me closer.

"I can do it," I said. "Believe in me."

"Of course I know you can. But if anything does not feel right, tell me immediately, okay?" He said.

I gave a nod and closed the gap between us with a hug. I missed Victor and being able to embrace him like this makes me so happy. "Good luck," he said. He loosened his arms around me and I pulled back a bit.

Our foreheads and noses were touching. "Thank you," I whispered. He smiled and licked his lips before kissing me.

I eventually kissed back. The kiss made my knees weaken a bit but Victor's hold was tight enough to hold me up. The kiss was passionate and it went on for a few more moments before we parted.

"I missed you," Victor said.

"I missed you too," I replied. "Don't worry, after winning gold on this one, we'll surely have time together, but now, I need to change."

I pulled away from him. "Turn around," I said. Victor did as told. I opened my bag and took my costume out before undressing.

My costume is an ombre white and ice blue dress. It has a soft diagonal drape that goes from below my left armpit, to the front, down to my right hip. It has intricate detailing, extensive coverage with the use of Swarovski crystals, and a silk skirt.

Once changed, I hung my tracksuit and told Victor I am finished. He turned back around to face me as I went in front of the mirror to tie my hair up in a tight bun. He stood beside me as I do so and stared at my costume.

"You look great," he said and once again placed his hands on my waist.

"Don't I always do?" I replied with a smirk.

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