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I came out of my bed cocoon to read for a little while. Eventually I had passed out, and when I woke up someone was wrapped around me. I looked over my shoulder to see a tuff of blonde hair. He stirred a little because of my movement, but didn't wake. The clock beside me read 4:45. I had been asleep for almost 3 hours. I rubbed my face, still a little groggy from my extra long nap. I felt better, a lot better actually. My headache was gone and my stomach wasn't in knots anymore. Not wanting to wake Vox, I carefully grabbed the book off my nightstand and propped it up so I could read.

Not ten minutes after I had started reading did Vox's hand reach across and slap it closed. "No books in bed."

I rolled my eyes, "My bed my rules. And my rules say that books are allowed in bed."

He chuckled. "Fair point." There was a pause before he continued, "Hal said you were talking about the wedding when you suddenly didn't feel well."

"Yeah, it's just been a little overwhelming. The whole getting married in two weeks thing."

"What makes it so overwhelming?" This was another point that showed how different our cultures were.

I shrugged, "I don't know I just... It's just that where I'm from we don't get married for at least a couple months. Most couples wait a year."

"Why wait? It's not like you can change your mind."

I frowned. Maybe that's what was troubling me. Not the fact that I was getting married to a complete stranger in two weeks. Okay yeah, that was half my problem. But the other half was the fact that I didn't have any say in the matter. I couldn't say no. I was going to be forced to stand under an alter and say 'I do'. I decided to just talk about the former complaint for now. "I know, but we barely know each other."

"Okay, well, what do you want to know?"

I twisted around so I could see his face. "I don't know."

He chuckled, "Then why are you complaining?"

I rolled my eyes, "Why don't you ask me something?"

He frowned in concentration. "Okay. Hmmm. Okay, yeah. What's your favorite book?"

Easy. "Romeo and Juliet."

"A. That's a play. B. Why on earth is that your favorite? They all die in the end."

I frowned at him, "Because it's all about how they would do anything for love. I think that's noble, because I know I couldn't do the same." I thought back to Koontz asking me to run away with him.

He let my comment go. I think he wanted to keep the conversation light. This was a get to know you conversation not dig up things that you regret most conversation. "So I repeat, what's your favorite book."

I smiled and rolled my eyes, "I don't know. I really like the book you gave me."

A smile appeared on his lips and playfulness danced in his eyes. "Oh yeah? What part are you at?"

"Um," I opened the book and reread the last line. "Him and the other prisoner are digging the tunnel."

Vox grinned, "Ooooh, you're just getting to the good part."

"It's all good."

"Yeah but he's about to get to the treasure." He grinned.

I smiled in response, "Can't wait. I could probably finish it sooner, but somebody doesn't like reading in bed."

"I wonder who that could be."

"I have no clue."

He chuckled. "Okay, next question. Are you ready? This one is going to be hard."

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